THE DEN OF THIEVES @ ME - (Why was Jesus Nailed to A Cross ?)
JESUS NAILED TO A CROSS - Been contemplating this one for a while, pretty much my entire life. Time to edify(phew), clarify, think through, empathize, sympathize. Try to wrap my brain around the murder of Jesus Christ. The historians are lame @ not thorough. Not clear cut with no clarity, much confusion. The Catholic Church Good Friday Mass settles on role playing the act of the Crucifixion and that is not good enough. Enough dancing around the really vital issues which leads me to this point, it is up to me to find truth, understanding, and motives behind this barbaric act. Simply, the most significant moments in the history of the human race. I need to keep this simple for simple is genius. Ambiguous and complex is stupidity leaving one in the dark. So, bear with me reader, we are going on a ride seeking truth in the most important life and death and life in the history of the human race. So, reader, do you have the courage to seek, knock, and open your mind and heart for truth ? This, this is why I am here. Let FW show you the way. For I may very well be the last sane man on this or any other planet ! Or, I may very well be completely psychotic. Perhaps, as with most, a mix of both. Do not be afraid. Be more afraid of ignorance.
MATTHEW 21;13 - "My house shall be called a house of prayer. You have turned it into a den of thieves".
MARK 11;18 - And the scribes and chief priests heard it and sought how they might destroy him. For they feared him, because all the people were astonished at his doctrine.
THE KEY PLAYERS - (The Murderers)
SCRIBES - historians, intellectuals, academicians CHIEF PRIESTS - authority of the church KING HEROD - the monarchy. This is the guy who had John the Baptist's head lopped off. His father was the mass murderer of children. PONTIUS PILATE - governor representing Rome and military power MONEY CHANGERS - businessmen scamming inside the church JUDAS ISCARIOT - friend and betrayer of Christ MEN SUCH AS THESE, STILL RULE IN THE 21st CENTURY. THE WHEEL SPINS, NOTHING CHANGES.
THE SPIRITUAL ASPECT Christ bear the burden of the world. Jesus died for my sins so that I may be forgiven. God loves us so much, He sacrificed His one and only beloved son.
Why was Christ arrested, beaten, mocked, publicly humiliated, tortured, and crucified(a barbaric, awful, gruesome death). His mother watching. His greatest female friend, Mary Magdalene, not abandoning him. One disciple remained, the rest fleeing for their lives. This epic event, the most vital event in history, this murder needs to be explained from 2 viewpoints, the spiritual and the human. First the human side.
Another Easter Sunday come and gone. For many, this means rabbits, colored eggs, candy, and baskets. Dressing in their Sunday best going to mass for the 1 or 2 times a year, on display for the rest of the congregation, saying "see how holy we are"(biting sarcasm here). For the children, I have no problem with this. For this day is a celebration, a celebration of the man who saved the world. Children, in my be ever so humble opine, need to be taught His most valuable teachings. The younger the better, as children are way smarter than we give them credit for, smarter, often than adults( I am no different, no better than anyone else). By age 5 or 6, we learn pretty much (90% ?), everything we know for the rest of our lives. Walk, talk, bathroom(most of my drinking buddies still need work here. sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly), hopefully. Learn right and wrong - good and bad, love, kindness, respect, fun, laughter, some discipline, healthy self-esteem. Sadly, many kids learn the flip-side, fear, loneliness, selfishness, greed. We are born innocent and then the world has a way of corrupting all of us. Corrupting the purity of childhood. Kids see good, we adults see the dark. Kids are friendly, we are on guard. Kids smile and freely say hi, we fear with no trust in our fellowman. Sad, but true(Metallica flashback). Children need to feel safe and protected. Adults know the the flip-side and being on guard and vigilant is understandable. One can never be too safe. With stupidity, insanity, selfishness, and ignorance at epidemic levels on our streets fueled by mod-tech in all it's forms, we as a society have become less human and less humane and more fear-based and distrusting as never before. Simple acts of kindness seem to be are way too rare. How I love simple acts of kindness, a smile, a warm hello from a stranger always restores my hope in the human race(YES, I AM NOT ALONE !). I believe simple pleasures are a defining trait of one's mindset(come on, give it to me reader!). Are human beings good, worthy, important, valuable ? Or, are we nothing, no meaning, going nowhere ? Do we live, think, believe, act in the light, or in the dark ? Do we seek and believe in the beautiful or are we obsessed with the minutia of the everyday grind and burden of life ? Do we overcome and cling to the good or are we overwhelmed by the everyday struggles that every human faces ? Do we focus on the crap and immediately(if not sooner), discard the good ? This being an awful way of going through life. I realize this so easy to say, albeit(weeeee), on the worst of days, we always have things to be grateful for, no ? Blessings abound(wow), if we are spiritually fit to see them. We are spiritual beings as well as human after all. The teachings of Jesus Christ should never be abandoned. What, you say, would those teachings be ? Please help us, FW, for we are lost and need to be found. And i, as "they" say am on a roll ! you can't stop this ! what you friggin kiddin me right now ? NO NO NO "we are on a mission from GOD!" you can try, "you will lose" ! - WHERE ELSE YOU GONNA GO @ GET A BLUES BROTHERS @ ROCKY 4 FLASHBACK IN ONE SENTENCE ? NO WHERE, THAT'S WHERE ! for this is a example of my eccentric genius, or not. may be i just need a happy pill. OK, and where in the name of all that is holy did I just go ? TANGENTS, again, tangents. Focus FW, focus. I'm back(help me ! this is all one big cry for help. I beseech thee ! I really need to lay down). How long have i been out ? YEAR? MONTH? DAY? ok 3 days, not bad. If you have not already guessed, this is the comedic section of the chapter. Perhaps not. At times like these, Momma would say "this is a good boy" and Papa would say "come here you little fucker"! Me, "wait, i'm 6". Breath, FW, breath and take this to therapist. sorry, sorry. TEACHINGS OF CHRIST JESUS If but for a moment, let's remove ourselves from the debate team. Let's not quibble(give it to me) whether JC is the son of God or not. Let's instead(i'm good) ponder His most basic and fundamental teachings, what ? "YES, LETS", you say. I say "ok", for if nothing else, I, at my most instinctual level, am a peacemaker. Reader, " well that is redundant", what? Slap me! Somebody slap me ! Snap out of it ! ENUF ! Never enuf ! You can never go too far ! Push the envelope ! This is what I do ! Beliefs of how we as human beings should live our lives. Albeit(yowza!), I may very well be the last known scribe to erudite(bravo) upon these oh so simple philosophies. YES, I AM A WRITER !!!! WEEEEEEE !!!!
JC _ #1 - LOVE EACH OTHER; - Genius, simple, too simple ? Perhaps, for we as adult human beings in the 21st century USA, need to complicate the shit out everyfuckingthing that comes our way ! Love your fellowman, love thy neighbor. Really, the one and only commandment needed. To not live this way keeps one as a CHUD(cannibalistic human underground dweller-steve king). Wasting our lives away over the insignificant. I am certainly no better. Each and everyday we should say "I love you' to someone, for if not, it truly is a wasted day.
JC #2 - FORGIVE EACH OTHER; NOOOO !!! The infidels cry ! "Certainly not after what so @ so did to me" ! And all we achieve is shooting ourselves in the foot. Everygoddamtime ! Lacking forgiveness is no no way to go through life. When we do not forgive, we are really only harming ourselves. Sometimes, it is so incredibly difficult ! Nevertheless(yes!), we must try, or we pay the price and are not forgiven ourselves, living our lives with a hardened heart. Living becomes hard, cold, unhappy, no love, no peace, no joy. Angst, anger, conflict become defining traits. Our days and our lives are a waste.
JC #3 - WE ARE ALL BROTHERS @ SISTERS; Straight from the top ! This is spot on. No wiggle room. If you disagree, I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW YOU ! Jump into a river ! You are a racist and your basic trait is stupidity ! Lack of an education. Terminally ignorant ! Nothing good inside you. Why are people obsessed with color of skin ? Ethnic background ? Such a waste of time. Nothing kind nor tolerant. Nothing intelligent. PLEASE DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN !
Love love love this quote ! Every asshole shut the hell up on this one. Jesus shot them all down with one simple sentence, saving a woman's life. Saving her from being stoned, -the "thou shalt not kill" thing being thrown right out. They all dropped their rocks, hung their heads, tails between their legs, and walked away stupidly. AWESOME !! Round of applause ! Bravo ! Brilliant, yet simple. JC, The Man ! The Rockstar ! Lest we forget. And yes, in my be it so very humble opinion, the absolute, without a shred of doubt, the one @ only Son of God ! Who bear the burden of the world. Who was tortured, murdered, and paid the price so that I, yes I, could be forgiven my sins.
Honestly, I could give a rat's ass if you believe JC is the Son of God or not. Do you believe in His teachings? His way of life?
This is what I am all about, right here, right now ! Or all of this is a waste of time, yours and mine. Are you with me? I feel some of you pulling away. Decide, where do you stand on these most crucial issues? What is in your heart? Nothing else really matters. Money, fame, power, etc. do not impress me. Do you have love in your heart? Every now @ then, my writing does impress me. This is good stuff. Nothing, @ I mean nothing is more important. Disagree? YOU ARE WRONG ! And you will suffer the consequences of living a completely wasted life. Thank you very much !
Small detail, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" !!!!!! Could it be any more clear? Not a loophole in sight. No grey area. Assholes from page one, there is no grey area ! "Thou shalt not kill", am I going too fast? How in the name of all that is good, do the assholes justify this murder? YOU SIMPLY CANNOT ! You murdered him ! Abandoning the very laws set down by Moses himself ! And why? CUZ YOU FEARED HIM. CUZ HE SPOKE THE TRUTH. Because he rightly told you that you were a bunch of lying thieves @ hypocrites. He exposed you for what you were really were. HE exposed the truth and the more truth He told, the worse it got. He threatened your very existence @ you killed Him. YOU FUCKING COWARDS !!!! JC came into the temple. Saw how you forgot the word of God. Saw how you turned His father's house into a den of thieves. Jesus went ballistic ! And you murdered Him. There is no justification. Murder, plain @ simple, by a bunch of loser cowards frightened to death by the truth. Did you forget The 10 Commandments ? Yes, yes, let me think, yes, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" !
BEEN 2000 YEARS - Have we Learned Anything ? Have our governing practices changed? NO ! Have our politicians changed ? NO ! Has religion changed ? NO ! Have our lawyers changed ? NO ! Have our military leaders changed ? NO ! Have businessmen changed? NO ! Have our historians changed ? NO ! Across the board, men of power are as corrupt as ever ! Our leaders are so full of shit I can't stand it ! Greed - short term profit - unworthy goals, crap all over everybody to gain a couple of bucks, at best ! Where is the common good? The peacemakers ? The truth ? Are these extinct?
QUOTE - "The only way to control people is to lie to them"
There it is ! Truth in the 21st century, baby ! Truth will kill you, ruin you. Satan is in charge of all these man-made useless institutions that are destroying this planet as well as the human race ! Nobody wants truth. Just ask Ed Snowden or Julian Assange. These two men have been railroaded and why ? Because they exposed the truth. The more truth they told the worse it got. They made some extremely powerful people(politicians, military, homeland security) look like the bunch of assholes that they really are. What is truth, Pilate asked Jesus. Truth hurts. The powerful @ big money loath the truth. Ignorance @ deceit are our default mode. People choose to believe what they believe, not because it is right or good or true, but because it is convenient and conforms to preconceived ideas that we cling to because they define us. Even when they are wrong. Easy to be stupid. Much can be justified, incorrectly, but that matters not. Stupid, crazy, @ ignorant can justify anything, even the most ugly behavior.
Speak truth - you will be ostracized, loathed, @ feared. This is a good day !
"THOSE THAT SEEK THE TRUTH AND FIND IT, SHALL HEAR MY VOICE" Shivers, every time i read that. Takes courage to be honest. Balls of steel. What about you ? Tough stuff here.
The way things should be, transparency in institutions - privacy for individuals. We got it backwards. See NSA, Homeland Security, President "O". The president is not held accountable for any campaign promises he has broken. By no one. The media, progressives, the Republicans allow him to get away with all of it. We live in a society that is massively brainwashed. So lets dissect people who are not in power and never, ever criticize the guy in power. Staggering, this. Yes, this is easier. Our beliefs stay safe this way. The massive lies, the corruption, the buying and selling of politicians, peeing on the Constitution, continues. The War Tapes, Iraq @ Afghanistan, civilian casualties, does anybody give a shit ? WE DO NOT DARE LOOK HERE ! The Patriot Act, executive orders crapping all over civil rights of all of us. Spying on every citizen in America. Stop ! The truth hurts.