Sunday, October 28, 2018


 Music was so   much better when we just listened, ya know? But that was a long time ago. Which brings me to the point of this blog, this chapter, latest epic in the making, this song - this is dedicated to the girls, who I grew up with all the way back to south Berwyn @ specifically Irving School. From the 6th grade on to this very second(56, yeesh!), you were all so cool, such a blast, @ right before my very eyes, the SEXIEST HOTTEST girls, females, women EVER EVER EVER !!!  Off the top of my head(Donna D., Cindy W., Tina T., Debbie S., Kathy D., Laura K., Gigi D., Donna P., Karen M., Sharon M., Gerianne S., Pam G., Mara D., Janice P., Kathy M., Theresa D., Ann P.). You are my blessing-my curse, for since then I have been ruined. I have completely totally irrevocably loved women. AND IT's ALL YOUR FAULT !! To this second, you've caused a lot of problems for me. NOT MY FAULT and GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU, YOU WERE ALL SO REMARKABLY GORGEOUS. Glorious memories going all the way back to the 1970's. Our generation in womens' fashion @ looks, and sex appeal, and everything was real!!! Nothing right out of a surgery. Boobs were real, lips, the hair, the skirts, the heels, SWEET MOTHER OF GOD, wicked hot. The look of modern day women not even in the ball park. To this very day, THE SHIT!! We fuckin' rocked! But it wasn't just your looks, your personalities, wit, humor, so hip, you had it all. Guys like me, we didn't stand a chance. A done deal, I surrender. You win. 
   How blessed we were, and cursed. BUT I WOULD NOT CHANGE A THING. Thank you all, I forgive you. Peace @ love
 always, ROCK !!!
  p.s. Seeing 3eb in The Motor City this weekend. I will weep. Also, This Sat-nite at HOB, Stabbing Fucking Westward! NIN was this past Friday nite. Speaking of the 70's, Elton John this weekend. I saw Elton in 1976, you believe that. What a career he has had, amazing.  

Monday, October 15, 2018


                            LAST-BEST-ONLY-HOPE @

                ROCKETED INTO THE 4th DIMENSION !

 As James Moriarty says, "Did ya miss me"? And away we go!!!
As with certain bugs or viruses, I just won't go away, here I am. I know what you are thinking, I always do. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!! Just in time, I would say cuz, shit man, is hittin' the fan. It's all upside down people. All of it. Except, yes, for those of us who have been skyrocketed into the 4th DIMENSION, and that is exactly why I am here. And don't you forget it !! GO GO GO, GOIN' TO A GO GO, EVERYBODY. And that's alright, in fact, it's a GAS GAS GAS(anyone? anybody? Farris?). 
   Are you with me, reader? I need to know you are with me. Yes or no? Make a decision already would ya? This is the 5th time we done this, so go #2 or get off the pot, CHRIST'S sake! What are ya one o' them agnostics whom have no testicles? You constantly wishy-wash, don'tcha? Be a man or keep being a juvenile malcontent delinquent miscreant(with no testicles). Which brings us to why. For the love of GOD, why? Reader, I do this for you, always you. For without you, there is no point. All this would be dribble on a screen or page(for those who still know what books are). I'm thinkin', in the minds of New Millenniums, books are extinct. All questions will be answered in due course. All your burning issues as to what's it all about, will be revealed to you reader, by me, yes me, FW ROMAN, the worlds greatest garage writer of EPIC NON-LITERATURE. The crowd screaming, going wild, bedlam!!! Women faint in anticipation, tearing off their clothes. Grown men, weep as children, tearing out their hair. Chaos reigns. The young can't be bothered. They are busy being 1's @ 0's. 
  Nonetheless, albeit, however, nevertheless, Reader, you are mine(so why don't we get married?) @ I am most emphatically, with complete utter certainty, yours. 

  LAST-BEST-ONLY-HOPE @ The 4th Dimension(fw roman); 
 An overview, a preview, an outline,... (somebody stop me already, Momma, help me). We are expanding our horizons, growing, if you will. When we stop growing, as human beings, or shall I state, spiritual-beings, we die. We are not staying status-quo, we are going backward. Spiritual growth can never die, for if it does, we die. Not physical death, no no no albeit, alas, but our growth as people, individuals, society at large, in communities, nations, schools, families, friends, neighbors, sons-daughters, husbands-wives, brothers-sisters, employees-employers, across the board. Hang on, hang on, I know what you are thinkin, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS NUT-JOB TALKIN' 'BOUT? Allow me to retort. Allow me to define spirituality(as I see it). 

Rocked Into The 4th Dimension !!; 
 What the..? what this honky-mofo-talkin' 'bout? Ain't no 4 dimensions, shee ! Jive-ass turkey ! Allow me to retort, elaborate, explain, spill the beans, enlighten, which after all is said @ done is why I, yes me, FW, am here. Or, has all my teachin' gone for naught? How many windows must I provide? Reader, I am talkin' to you, @ only you. How long must I suffer? Father, Help me. Help me help them. The meek, the infidel, the heathen, for they have most certainly inherited the earth! And turned the wholefuckinthingupsidedown !!!!  (sorry sorry, F, patience dude, for the meek are in perpetual spiritual kindergarden. Yes, yes, I know. Forgive, I beg). 

  The 4th dimension is a place of existence, a state of being when we are not just human beings, we become spiritual beings as a result of a massive complete 180 psychic-change, a spiritual experience that changes the world right before our very eyes, instantaneously. A flick of a switch @ nothing could ever be the same. A spiritual awakening if you will. Some would call it being restored to sanity. We become capable of things that before were utterly impossible. Capable of things many people are incapable of. See things from a point of view, a perception that the masses cannot begin to comprehend. A bigger picture. A wider view. A more objective realistic view. A GOD POINT OF VIEW. 
  And the world @ the people in it become a much more beautiful place. Even with all the drudgery, unkindness, the ugly- we are still all children of a loving GOD.
 Bill Wilson, one of the great icons @ unheralded rockstars of the 20th century, wrote about the 4th dimension in the book, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS; pg.25, "We have found much of heaven @ we have been rocketed into a 4th dimension of existence of which we have not even dreamed"."Our creator has entered our hearts @ lives in a way which is indeed miraculous". 
 This is what I'm talkin' 'bout! This what LBOH is all about. Tell me this is not awesome !!!!Life rocks, right here, right now !!!   

  In each of my previous epics of non-literature (all LBOH), we elaborate on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Not from an abstract religious view, but from an everyday, street-level practical application. Teachings I need to live and take with me each and every day of my life. For if I do not, all is lost. I become lost. I lose hope. I forget why I get out of bed @ do what I do. My religious(Catholic) upbringing failed me on this level. I need to take the messages of CHRIST, @ bring them into my daily life. If the message is lost, nothing else matters. Christ will no longer matter. The messenger is not the most important thing here. Who the messenger is not the most vital aspect. Scholars, too many scholars, miss this point.  
LIVING THE TEACHINGS, LIVING THE LESSONS; this is the vital issue. Allow me to be redundant, the messenger is not the vital issue. Living the issues is what we are all about. Religion is way too abstract, not real, virtual. Spirituality is a commitment to reality, to honesty, to truth(the cold-hard-beautiful truth). If one claims to believe JESUS is the Son of GOD, and DOES NOT LIVE BY HIS TEACHINGS, then all is for naught, and that person is a full of crap asshole
 And there was much rejoicing(the holy grail, people, come on! Monty Python @ The Holy Grail, the greatest movie ever)!!   Alas-however-albeit, nevertheless-(not to be outdone by nonetheless), I'm feelin' some of you pullin' away from me. AH HA ! Touched a nerve, haven't I? I must be doing something right. AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I AM HERE. Bull's eye! This is the point, the point of no return. The beloved G-SPOT(the end-the start, alpha-omega, where all is one, it is all connected, entwined). I got something here people. I suggest you listen closely or you may miss something. The point, THE G-SPOT, which the world @ all of its infidels, are missing. The meek have inherited the earth, @ they are destroying this planet @ the human race each @ every day, at a lightning pace. 

  Truth, a great place to start. MSG. #1- THOSE THAT SEEK THE TRUTH @ FIND IT SHALL HEAR MY VOICE(JC); 

 I'm tellin' ya man, can't argue with this. This goes straight to the heart @ obliterates all bullshit, utterly @ completely. A beautiful thing it is, truth. Cold, hard to bear sometimes, but we must face our truths or we walk a dangerous line. There is a battle of good v. evil out here people. This battle is fought not on great battlefields, albeit, but by each of us, every day. Satan-demons-evil(on the streets @ inside of us) v. good-love-honesty. Satan is a liar, a coward, @ is rendered nothing because I am a child of GOD. With the heart of a child, the kingdom of Heaven is found within @ all-around me, evil(satan) cannot touch me, I am blessed, I am loved, I am never alone. JESUS is with me now, always. 

  Truth, yeesh-yeowza, still pullin' away ain't ya? Shorts startin' to crinckle up yo butt? Squemish, antzy even? The media, the progressives, the gops loath the truth. I.E. see WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Ed Snowden, Hilary Clinton, the FBI, DNC, Clinton Foundation, CIA, NSA, DEA, criminal court, Prez O @ the bombing of Lybia, executive-orders, Aphgan war-tapes, Iraqi war-tapes, civilian casualties(who gives a rat's ass 'bout them, right?), all advertising, big, medium, small business, all news outlets, Catholic church, big-pharm, all motherfucking insurance companies, PACs, all lobbyists who own Washington D.C....  The list is endless @ I could keep going to infinity.    

Which conveniently, brings us to MSG. #2 - I AM NEVER ALONE. JESUS is with me now, He is with me always. The comfort this brings is enormous. All day baby, every day! Knowing this, the joy it brings, the kingdom of Heaven is inside me, @ no one, nobody, can take it from me. I am free. The bondage of self, of life, of mankind, cannot ever take this love, this freedom from me. Only if I allow it, can this be taken from me. This is a choice, a decision I need to make every day of my life. I need to act, to seek, to knock, to ask(good-love), for if not, I allow the bad men to win. NOT TODAY. Today, GOD wins, good wins, love wins, hope wins. And the world becomes a so much more beautiful place. There is evil around every corner, tell the bad guys to go fuck themselves!! They can't touch me. Only if I let them. DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN, not for one second. The world can be a cruel place to an honest man. 

 The main message of elders, priests, scholars of Christianity, tell us JESUS is the son of GOD. He bears the burden of the world so we could be forgiven our sins. Was killed, crucified, buried @ was resurrected from the dead. And now sits at the right hand of the FATHER. JESUS was born by immaculate conception of The Virgen Mary @ GOD in Heaven. 
  What I, you, or anybody believe, DOES NOT MATTER, IF WE DO NOT TAKE CHRIST'S TEACHING INTO OUR DAILY LIVES !!!! This is what this book, @ all my writing, and spirituality in reality, in society, is about. Important this. Read carefully or you may miss something. Sadly. too many have. And the world seems to be heading into a river. What you feel, think, believe hardly matter. WHAT MATTERS IS WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT? Talk is cheap. Behind your feelings is nothing. One cannot argue against the teachings of JESUS, and if you do, I assure you, I don't want to know you. 
  The godless heathens, the infidels, the believers in media, DNC, GOP, fed-state-local government, court-system, war-makers, mod-tech, big-business, advertising, politically correct, politicians, drug dealers @ the corrupt assholes that allow drugs to ruin peoples lives, gangbangers, repeat violent criminals and the people who put them back on the streets, news people @ the people who speak NEWSPEAK, radio, TV, internet, communications, religious institutions, banks, insurance, big-pharm, the meek who are plugged into wi-fi all day every day.
  The list is endless, ALL, all have forgotten the word of GOD.  

  People are brainwashed into what to think @ being told what is important. And we wonder why the world is upside down and the badmen seem to have taken over. Satan himself is in charge of all that. All the chaos, violence, corruption, evil, confusion, overload of mindless information. I have no faith in any of those institutions in regards to good, love, justice, safety, hope, beauty. All that has become ugly. All that is a lie. Where is the word of GOD in any of that? 


  Which conveniently brings us to MSG.#3- LOVE EACH OTHER, AS I HAVE LOVED YOU(JC).  

   GOD IS LOVE. It is that simple. What more do we need to know? Or are you one of the OCDs, the perfectionists, who need to complicate the fuck out of walking across the street, figuring out when is the best time for even taking a breath, or going to the bathroom? Line em up! These ones need to be bagged, tagged, @ thrown into a river, for they have worn out their welcome. When is the best time to do something, say something, decide? How 'bout when the opportunity presents itself @ the time has come, the person is right in front of you, for there is no tomorrow. 

  The evils of this planet have nothing to do with GOD. I think agnostics are cowards who cannot make a decision. The intellectuals who are egotistical bastards at best. Cocky-juvenile-delinquent-adolescent who constantly need to elaborate on how bright they are. If you are one who needs to prove you are intelligent, YOU ARE A DUMB-ASS. The simplest things become a mathematical formula. STUPID IS COMPLEX-GENIUS IS SIMPLE(e=mc2). GOD IS LOVE, it is that simple. 
  We need to choose every day. Love or not. If the love of God is not in my heart, I am an asshole. End it. The love of your fellow man, possibly the most important love of all. Love costs. It's easy to love when we are healthy, money is good. Real love comes when shit hits the fan. Are you capable of the same love when loved ones are dying, when you get fired, wife wants a divorce, when life knocks you down? That is the test. Are you capable of being there for people when they really need you? When they get sick, go bankrupt @ need to borrow money, when drug addiction takes over @ wreck your car? When shit is bad, that is the measure of spiritual growth, of love. When people really need someone is when shit goes bad. What then? Let me know. Tough stuff this. 
  This is when the love of GOD is in my heart or not. All of these questions will be answered sooner or later. 

  PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE YOUNG, TEENAGERS, COLLEGE KIDS, MIDDLE-AGED WHITE SUBURBAN DORKS - If you need to prove you are cool, you ain't. It is that simple. And may I further deduce, elaborate for your benefit Reader, cuz, @ only cuz I love ya, THE LOUDEST PERSON IN THE ROOM IS THE WEAKEST PERSON IN THE ROOM !!! When are we gonna finally get that thru our thick heads??? This is not about me me me. What it is, is We WE WE !!!! Then you got somethin'. Til then WHITE-SUBURBAN MALE DWEEBS @ African-American gangstas - Find some testicles @ brains, for you all are useless pieces of dung. Time to do the decent thing for one time in your life, JUMP. Get it over with, you suck, you are stupid, you add nothing to society. The world will be a better place. For your family, stop thinkin' 'bout yourself, stop embarrassing them @ yourself, end it. 
  Thank you. 

  Furthermore, this PSA brings us to MSG #4 - FORGIVE EACH OTHER, AS MY FATHER HAS FORGIVEN YOU(JC) 

   For if I do not forgive, I am not forgiven. Oh man!! Yes, this is true. This is reality. This is a test among real men @ real ladies. Who am I not to forgive? Do I need to be forgiven? For the love of GOD, yes. Each of us has brought harm to another in one form or another. Physical, verbal abuse. Lie, cheat, steal. @ we always, ALWAYS, hurt the ones who love us most.

  I think of my ex-wife. Sweet mother of God, sometimes, all the time, I think/feel, what have I done? This woman loved me !!! AND I WAS A FUCKING JAG-OFF !!!! There is no rational explanation. There is no justification. And nothing can change the past. There is no making it better. No living amends. The damage is done. Sorrow-grief-sadness-cowardice is what I brought. 
  God gave me someone to love, someone who was the most beautiful, someone who is still the best human being I have ever known. And what did I do? I peed @ crapped all over it !!! 

  SO, DO I NEED TO BE FORGIVEN? YOU'RE FUCKING RIGHT I DO !!  Father in Heaven @ in my heart, in the name of your beloved son, forgive me, please. To my ex-wife, I beg your forgiveness. Tho, I do not deserve it. 
  This @ this alone is why I need to forgive everybody for everything. ALWAYS, again, and again. 

  Have I allowed assholes to be a part of my life?-YES. Have I been hurt?-YES. Have people I cared about peed all over me?-YES. Do I need to forgive each @ everytime?-YES. EVERYTIME! WHY? For God's sake why we cry!! 
  #1-to be redundant, cuz I still need to be forgiven. 
  #2- who am I not to forgive? Am I holier than though? NOT EVEN CLOSE. I think of some of the crap I have pulled my entire life, I have ripped peoples' hearts out, seemingly without care nor concern. I could give a fuck. A cold-heartless bastard I have been. 
  #3- I need to forgive so I can sleep better at night. My heart is lighter, less burdened, at peace. Without forgiving, my heart is heavy, disturbed, I do not sleep at night cuz although I have been a cold-hearted bastard, I do have a conscience @ it never lies. There are people without a conscience, they are called psychopaths. They sleep well at night. Knowing right from wrong is what separates us from the criminals @ wild beasts, often one @ the same. However, albeit, nevertheless, although I know right from wrong my entire life, acting accordingly has always been a problem for me @ many many too many others. This is my dysfunction, my insanity, my mental illness. @ without help, it has always been too difficult for me. 
  This is exactly the spot God thru His beloved Son need to come in and save my ass. Therapy I have found to be very helpful. 12 step groups have been incredible for me. Me, alone am doomed. With help, I have a fighting chance, tho without my cooperation, God cannot even help us. We have to make the effort, act accordingly, as God/JC would have us be. For then, I become part of the human race. 

   And thusly, we come to MSG.#5- WE ARE ALL BROTHERS @ SISTERS !!! 
   I love this one and entirely believe it. Without a shadow of a doubt. This is 100% true. across this great beautiful planet of ours, there are beautiful people in it doing amazing things. Every day-everywhere. These are people the Satan run media do not talk about nevertheless(hoo-hoo), they are there every day, always. For if not, none of us would be here. 
   This one straight from the top, from JC his bad self. Has it filtered thru? Do we still believe this? Have we forgotten the words of our Lord @ savior? If we have, we are doomed. We being the human race. Then chaos reigns @ rains(ya see what I did there? smooth-slick-slidin' thru life, can't touch this, ya see?). 
  So much seems upside-down, sideways, all day, everyday. With all we have been thru, where is compassion, empathy, care, love? Just being kind, little things that really mean so much, that make us more human, that make us more as GOD intended, as JESUS tried to teach us. He is still trying BTW. If you listen closely, quietly, HE IS STILL WITH US, ALWAYS. 

 Racism, prejudice seemingly running rampant. The media is the greatest perpetrator of keeping racial prejudice alive. All day every day they spew evil violence in our faces. Spreading hatred as the devil would. Not being messengers of peace, but messengers of evil, lies, violence. Not messengers of love, peace, harmony, forgiveness, kindness, tolerance, care, patience, WE ARE ALL BROTHERS @ SISTERS !!!  
  No no no, these motherfuckers work for evil, violence, hatred, promoting suffering on a global scale. CHRIST said- "blessed are the peacemakers". Well, the media has failed utterly completely in promoting harmony, peace, love. 
  There is an underlying theme behind all racial prejudice, these people are utterly completely stupid. White-hicks born in the hills or white suburbanites with no testicles or uneducated white city assholes who are just plain dumb. These assholes cannot be, nor should they be taken seriously. For they are dumb, stupid, uneducated people with no testicles. 
  There are black Americans that loath white people just the same as above. Same category. Same theory as being all brothers @ sisters, in our faults @ assets as well. Religion does not matter. Skin color, some of my best friends are African Americans. I am more as they are than I am white suburbanites. We grew up on the same streets. Same schools, churches, bars, @ problems. I LOATH WHITE SUBURBIA- I LOATH THE GHETTO. I have lived in both. 
  Too many people are being le.d astray by the media, George Orwell wrote about it in 1984. They speak NEWSPEAK @ they are brainwashed. The MA's(media assholes), are very careful in what they report @ what they edit. Too many, way too many take what the MA's say as gospel, as truth, as newsworthy @ what is not newsworthy. These people are known technically as THE STUPIDS(stupidity is at epidemic proportion, out of control). Case in point-listen carefully or you may miss something, can anybody tell me why NATO, The U.S, bombed the crap out of Lybia in 2011? Anybody even remember this? No, cuz it was not reported. Was it legal? How many casualties? How many civilian casualties? How many refugees? Homeless? 

 There is a battle of good v evil out here, there, everywhere(beatles, thanks). We cannot let the bad guys win. "The world is a beautiful place and worth fighting for"(EH). All evil needs to win is for good men to do nothing. There are things worth dying for. Making the world a better place, even in my tiny little place, we all make a difference, one way or the next. Do I have the guts? Do I love enough? Have I done enough? Family, your community-WORTH LIVING @ DYING FOR.  
  What I put forth into the world, comes back @ is heard in eternity. There is HOPE, there is a GOD, He is LOVE, we are His children. We can all be saved, it is an inside-out job. If the grace of GOD thru His beloved Son JESUS CHRIST is in my heart, life can be utterly incomprehensibly beautiful. Albeit, on the other hand, the opposite is true. For me you, the world @ the human race. We are all connected, one way or the other. 

 This is what LBOH is all about. There is always hope. There is a loving GOD. We are never alone. Truth-honesty, tuff stuff, harsh yet beautiful. FORGIVE FORGIVE FORGIVE-WE ARE ALL BROs @ SISTERS. This ain't for cissies. However, nevertheless, moreover, even then, albeit(for the uneducated, whatever), we believe in FUN FUN FUN !!!! Laughter(never enuf), humor(i love funny people), peace(still a hippy, sober tho), and perhaps most important of all, lest we forget WE SHALL ROCK !!!!!  

   Peace @ love, I'm back. Hang on, it's gonna be a hell of a ride. I wouldn't miss it for the world,
                                                     FW Roman    



   For some unknown reason, this quote brings me comfort. I know not why(this is a college sentence, thanks).    




Third Eye Blind - Slow Motion (Chorus/Instrumental)

     This LP(Blue), this band(3EB), this color(blue), this song(there are 4 different versions(all are spectacular), are the soundtrack @ theme songs of this latest bombshell of another epic masterpiece of non-fiction, penned by me, yes, me, the one the only, greatest garage writer, ever ever ever. 3EB, the greatest rock-n-roll band on this or any other planet. Stephen Jenkins is a rock god genius. 3EB, the soundtrack to my life !!!! THANK YOU !!!