OBLITERATING THE GODDESS (Smashing the Role of Woman)
SO DARK THE CON OF MAN - "During 300 years of witch hunts, the church burned at the stake an astounding 5,000,000 women".
Quote from The Da Vinci Code, pg. 125, by Dan Brown.
And away we go go go !!! HOWZIT ? I'm back ! YEAH BABY YEAH !
Just in time, so it would seem. The world falling to pieces. Me putting it back together again and again and again. I grow weary. The burden of saving mankind. But alas, someone dammit, has to step up to the plate. Fight the good fight. Fight the battle of good vs. evil !
I cannot rest. I must not ! For inside each and everyone of us is the hero we all need to be. By God as my witness !
And if I had an inkling(inkling, not bad, huh?) as to what i am writing, thinking, saying, (this is good writing, no?) perhaps, as if, even?
Perhaps not.
We cannot allow the bad guys to win, and why not you say? Cuz they suck ! That reason and that reason alone, Chrissakes ! How many more windows of opportunity must I provide ? Who's with me ? Reader ? Are you there ? Where, oh where has my reader gone ?
You need me ! You are so lost without my guidance, grace, consistency, gallantry, heroism, love, courage, being the pillar of the community, the Rock of Gibraltar, no ?
Never mind(Nirvana, thank you).
Hell with it. Let the world rot. I am tired. So tired I can't even sleep. Sorry, the assholes outnumber me by a wide margin. I am alone, destitute, hopeless, I need to sleep.
Just kidding, says I.
Do not give up ! Never say die(Black Sabbath, thanks again) ! We need you ! Fuck the bad guys ! Stick it in their asses ! Kick them in the balls if necessary !
NEVER - EVER - EVER let the bad guy assholes of the world beat you ! NEVER !!!!!!! For if you do, all is lost. Lost to the meek, lying, coward, useless, greedy, selfish pieces of crap who seem to have taken over all politics, business, education, judicial, media, and religion. The lot, a bunch of useless creeps working to bury all that is good, right, and loving in our small but so special planet. You really gonna let these creeps beat you. Beat your family? Beat your childrens' future? FUCK THEM ! FUCK THEM ALL ! Cuz that is exactly what they have said to you ! Again and again. Over and over.
Way, way too many people, so called good people seem to be blind, accepting things that in my eyes are goddam absurd. Give us a for instance, you say. I say, the price of a baseball game. How much do you get raped for a beer? Who the fuck said STUB HUB is ok to go on scalping people? They paid off the right people, isn't that right, Mayor Rahm ? This, guy's greatest gift is raising taxes and fees while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Hey Rahm, how's the CPS doing ? YIKES ! Who gives a rat's ass right ? Need some some drugs, baby ? What you need? The drug problem kickin ass, still. Who gives a shit, right? GUNS GUNS GUNS, every scumbag in the Windy City has one. More violent offenders back on the streets, more than ever !!! Why? In the name of God, how is this allowed to happen ? Let's not forget Rahm's buddy President "O". These are his streets. This is his watch. And this city is rotting.
Minimum wage, slave wages. The Walmarts of the world making sick money and the staff gets slave wages. These mother fuckers could double the minimum wage and not miss a beat ! But, who gives a shit, right, "O"? Cuz "O" cares right?
People, wake the fuck up !!!The media, the biggest, sorriest bunch of lying cowards on this planet !! Allowing this world to be ruled by the biggest creeps this planet has going. But who gives a shit, right Murdochs of the world? Media people, KILL YOURSELVES. You are useless, no good, cowards all.
And everybody turns a blind eye, so it seems, why ? Why eat shit ? I swear, the world, men of power, are ruled by Satan. Evil and chaos and hate and violence are the law of the land.
For I, ya see, am a child of God, and am entitled to all that comes with it. I am never alone. I am never lonely, what a blessing this is. I can do, and have done anything and everything thru Christ who strengthens me. With God, all things are possible thru Christ, the way, the path, the light !!!
How do i know this, the infidel asks. I know, I says, cuz He told me so !
THE TRUTH - THE COURAGE - THE GRACE - THE STRENGTH - power - love - energy - wisdom to have a blessed loving awesome life regardless of what is going on around me. For the kingdom of Heaven is found within, within and all around me and evil cannot touch me ! All I have to do is believe and do the next right thing, the next good thing.
For God/JC are the last-best-only-hope for this small planet. Great faith, remove doubt, and do the next right thing. Do the next good thing, even when it appears hopeless. As long as we breathe, keep moving. praying, acting for those we love, the world becomes ours.
I have lived thru heaven and hell, most of you know this. The price for a ticket to paradise(Ed Money, weeee!) is sometimes difficult, hard, unclear. But the miracles come. I shit you not, they do come. Better than you can imagine. Life can be absolutely wonderful. There are beautiful people(screw the rest).
I am fixed. My home is fixed, as is my work. Family - friends - lovers - ROCK-N-ROLL ! Sweet Mother of God, life is too damn short to waste on unworthy goals and people. GO GET IT ! God has given me everything I need for a kick ass life, always. Always with me, never alone. I have been given 19 years of borrowed time, a freeby. I should never bitch about anything. Even if I get hit by a bus today, I could not bitch. I have become immortal, so it would seem, some would say. Well me anyways !
GOD IS AWESOME @ JESUS IS A ROCKSTAR !!(LBOH, heck of a book, huh? a classic in modern day non-literature! penned by yours truly, me, yes me, FW Roman, his bad self !) And I believe with the heart of a child ! (coming soon to bestseller lists everywhere! don't get left behind. be in the inner circle, one of the cool guys! blatant self-promotion, yes?)Then I see the kingdom of heaven. AND EVIL CANNOT TOUCH ME !
JC - "GET BEHIND ME SATAN"! You are nothing, you suck, you are a liar, you are a coward. You cannot touch me. For I am a child of God !
How do you know Satan is a coward, the heathen asks. He always needs someone else to do his dirty work, that's why.
JC is always with me. I am worthy, important, a valuable human being. God loves me, therefore(come on!), I deserve the good and best life has to offer !
Never settle, never let the bad guys win !!!
3 MAJOR RELIGIONS - CATHOLIC, JUDAISM, ISLAM - all have banished women from the temples of the world.
Bear with me on this one, subservient, sub-human, original sin bullshit, disgracing women throughout history, an utter complete embarrassment. Removing any credibility, again, from all major religions. Blatant propaganda of what should have been a more loving, caring, gentle, sympathetic, compassionate, empathetic, healing, comforting role of religion in our society.
The role of women, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, the essential half of spiritual enlightenment, should be in a position of honor. Relished, praised, seen as something sacred. Adored - loved - worshipped.
The asshole men in history, religion, society to this very day, smashed the sacred role of women thru violence, witch hunts, burnings, propaganda, and deceit. Fearing women cuz these rule makers are 2 bit cons. Liars with no conscience, no honor, no grace. Certainly not having God, the love of God anywhere. This has been going on for 2000 years.
I have 1 question, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ?
THE CON OF MAN - (The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown)
So dark, so ridiculous. Pick up this book and read mid-page 124 thru top paragraph 126. This is all the reference material I need. Evil personified, Satan making these rules ? How evil can men, so called holy men, be ?
In the 3 major religions alluded to above, there are no(count them, 0, zero)
women in positions of authority. This, I never get. Why the hell not ? Why no female pope? there should be. No women priests, cardinals, bishops. There should be. As for the concept of original sin, blatant fear based bullshit. Powerful men "conned" the world by devalueing women and favoring men. A campaign of propaganda demonized females, obliterating the goddess from modern religion forever. The con of man, the evil of man, the violence of men in religion. A brutal campaign, a crusade employing methods of horror executed by so-called holy men. If they are holy men, I shudder to meet an evil man.
The Catholic inquisition's book, "The Witches Hammer", introduced the dangers of fore thinking women. A step by step instruction manual for clergy to locate, torture, and destroy women. The "witches" according to the church, were female scholars, priestesses gypsies, mystics, nature lovers, herb gatherers, and any woman into nature. Mid-wives killed for easing the pain of child-birth which spawned pain in child-birth as original sin.
Evil personified. Asshole cowardly men took over. The perfect, beautiful, sexual union of men @ woman became a shameful act. Sexual urges became the work of satan. Hetero-sexual acts, so beautiful, Heaven-like, a gift from God, saying "check this shit, for you are going ti dig it". A beautiful hetero-sexual experience, is living proof that there is a God, became demonized.
Who are these ED losers ? (ED,it will come to you). Timid, frightened, cowards yet evil @ powerful won ? We let them? How? why? Hetero-sex, straight from Heaven, from God, utterly beautiful, beyond words, became ugly.
At the risk of redundancy(yowza !), HOW IN THE NAME OF SWEET JESUS DID THIS HAPPEN ?
Mother Earth became a man's world. The god's of destruction @ war took over and continue winning to this very day. I am utterly(woooo !) stunned. "BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS", said JC. Anybody ? Anyone out there? Prez "O", how bout you? No, didn't think so.
The Hopi Indians refer tho this as "life out of balance", an unstable world of male wars, misogynistic societies, and a growing disrespect for Mother Earth. (re; The Da Vinci Code).
I have not finished the book, and I will not. I did not find it entertaining. The movie of same name, stunk. Albeit(there it is!), this segment of the book explains quite clearly the war mongering that dominates the world as we fucking speak ! For 2000 years(more), these asshole men(religion, politics, business),have had a strangle hold(The Nuge, yes!) on our society.
IF THIS IS NOT THE WORK OF SATAN, NOTHING IS ! Pure evil. Again, "BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS", straight from The Man Hisself. Where o where have the peacemakers gone? Extinct is my guess. Someone, edify(baby!) me. Prez "O", was not your campaign a message of anti-war @ peace? Ooops ! Another one bites the dust(Fred Mercury!) ! The meek have truly inherited the earth ! Along with the greedy, the cowards, the selfish, the liars have taken over.
Time to take the world back. These motherfuckers are cowards and making the world an evermore ugly and violent place. Why? Money? Believing in chaos? Believing in evil?
Media, business, politics, religion are ruled by Satan, who by the way is a fucking coward needing someone else to do his dirty work. A liar fooling the humans into believing in chaos, violence, @ evil of mankind. In reality, he is a piece of shit and he cannot touch me cuz I am a child of God ! He is an insignificant piece of shit ! The battle of good v evil is never over, being fought one life at a time. The bad guys have taken over and Jesus Christ would blast these assholes as the liars, cowards, greedy, selfish, useless, loveless, evil personified assholes that they are !
And nobody, nobody, and nobody calls these assholes out. No one dares stand up to this scum lot. Except, you guessed it, me, FW, his bad self. Fighting for good, truth, justice, the American way ! Just like Superman ! Am i alone in my quest? Reader ? Help me, help me please ! For if i am alone, ah, caught myself, I am never alone for Jesus is with me always ! For He told me so Hisself !
The world of fear wins. The timid, paranoid, stressed, anxiety of everyday life is palpable. The world of no trust with the NSA empowered be White House executive orders @ The Patriot Act are reflections of this. These MF's are making the world a more dangerous place everyday. Businessmen are so goddam greedy @ go unchecked. The government of by the people, for the people no longer exists. Our politicians are paid off whores at every level. The media, lying sacks of shit that they are, are incohoots with this lot, for they too are ruled by satan. And the truth, the reality, is all covered, smeared, by staggering issues of the meaningless.
Are we humans, Americans, this stupid? Are we doomed? Are we this afraid? Are we all cowards? The meek win?
Jesus - "Those that seek the truth and find it, shall hear my voice".
And satan laughing all the way to the bank. The world more violent, more crazy, more deceit, more corrupt, more lunatic. Where are the good guys and ladies? For evil to succeed, all it takes is for good men to do nothing.
What kind of future are we leaving our kids? Hate filled. Global warming. Violent. No communication skills. A-D-D at epidemic levels. No human skills. Brains being held in the palm of their hands. Being told what to think @ what is important. Being told a bunch of meaningless nonsense.
Jesus - "Love each other as I have loved you".
Peacemakers, where are you ? White House - NO ! Religion - NO ! Business - NO ! Media - emphatic NO !
Have we tipped the scales? Past the point of no return? Is satan winning ? I am losing hope, but I cannot lay down. I will not allow the lame of this world to rule me. To brainwash me. The world is at the precipise, the jumping off place, on the edge, tipping, where do we go? Who do we turn to? What do we do?
Our LAST-BEST-ONLY-HOPE, that's who ! God/JC, the God of love, peace, harmony, forgiveness, abundance, joy. For I am worthy, important, valuable. I matter, I love, I care. Be of service to God @ man. Love thy neighbor. Jesus, today, I know you are with me, I know you love me, I know you forgive me, @ I am never, ever alone ! I crave peace, harmony, good. I abhor conflict, chaos, stupidity which seems to be at epidemic proportions.
My life is really all I have some control over. How I am powerless over is amazing.
Can we change the church? Not so far. Politics ? No. Business, media? No @ no. The tipping scales have fallen.
But my life, I will never surrender. Never lay down, Never let the bad guy beat me.
I seek truth, - i will find it.
I seek harmony, peace, abundance, joy - I will find it.
I seek love - I will find it.
Do these words help you ? Maybe, maybe not. Do you agree with me? As for me, my life, I do have a modicum(weeee!) of control that evil cannot touch, ever! If I am going down, I am going down swinging. Kicking in the balls if I must.
Truth - courage - sanity - peace are mine thru Jesus Christ to God are possible. Go get it ! Or they will take it. You, your family, @ friends are worth it.
Or am I by myself out here?
PEACE AND LOVE, the world is still a beautiful place and worth fighting for.
L_B_O_H - With The Heart of a CHILD, always !
FW Roman
CHAPTER THEME SONG ; "BRON-YR-AUR" - by LED ZEPPELIN, from the lp Physical Graffiti, released in 1975, recorded in 1970.
Jimmy Page on acoustic guitar. An instrumental and best of all, we do not have to listen to Robert Plant sing ! A beautiful, sorrowful, yet hopeful song. A side of Led Zeppelin never heard before nor after. Tender, gentle, comforting, healing, loving. If a woman's heart had a song, this would be it. A mother's heart, a daughter's heart, a sister's heart, a female friend's heart, my lover's heart.
My favorite Led Zeppelin song, their best.