THANKSGIVING 2016 -(Turkeys @The Donald)
TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY !!!!! Everybody, sing with me ! HEY, HO, LET's GO ! As per usual, we made it a Ramones Thanksgiving at the place where I live(as with most of America). Granny @ Gramps were swingin', diggin' it ! Spittin' !
The Ramones, so terribly missed. After further review, Q ?, best american band ever ? just might be. until recently, always thought G-n-R were the best. At the height of their power GnR were untouchable. However, as the years rock-n-roll on, the boys from Queens,NY inching closer @ closer to the top of the scrap heap that is rock-n-roll(ya see reader, this is good writing. that is one hell of an opening for this current and brand spanking new chapter from my soon to be released epic masterpiece of non-literature LAST-BEST-ONLY-HOPE, with the heart of a child. Penned by me, FW Roman, in case you were wondering who the this monster scribe is. available in paperback @ ebook form, from, Create the best $$$ you will ever spend, or there abouts).
The Ramones, as dysfunctional as it gets. Can you imagine trying to work with these guys? Damn near impossible. Albeit(there it is), on stage @ on vinyl, the coolest dudes in the world. Rock, fast blistering pace. Pop rock, sweet, sentimental, love songs. Just drums, bass, guitar, @ the voice. A tidal wave, an avalanche, brilliant !!!
to it's very core ! WHOLE LOTTA SHAKIN' GOIN ON ! -Jerry Lee Lewis, (thanks), or SHOOK ME ALL NIGHT LONG, The AC/DC - (either way works for me). JLL, what a piano player ! nothing soft here, hittin' it hard, way back in the 50's. I know it's just AC/DC, I just like sayin' the ac/dc, don't know why, just cuz.
For one night, the world stopped, the polar axis shifted, The Donald, has one man destroyed more political mythology, ever ? He certainly made the entire national media look like a bunch of morons. Showcasing the team of monkeys they actually are. Revealing just how stupid, unrealistic, @ out of touch these douche bags really are. Exposed as the frauds, liars, cowards that they actually are. AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT !
James Carvell looked as he was peeing his pants and could not stop. BRAVO ! This worth the price of admission all by itself.
The Rachel, this caricature of a woman, frazzled and in total denial. Out of touch with the reality of the people on the streets. Lovely to see her with head firmly stuck up her behind. She kept harping on certain overnight financial numbers which were dropping, as if proving a point of her correctness and intelligence. Clinging to these numbers like a monkey clinging to the last banana. Only to wake up and find the markets bounced back @ made gains ! Ya just can't buy entertainment like this, BRAVO !!!
The US voters spoke, THE JACKASS PARTY @ THE GOPS, both obliterated, in one night, the likes of which we may never see again. The Donald stomped the competition. Kicked sand in their faces. SMITHEREENS, BABY !!!(smithereens, one heck of a word, huh?)
The embarrassment of the jackass party. Laying in ruins. smoldering, wiped out. The Left, being left insignificant. The myth of the left exposed. The philosophy, the entire belief system, shattered(the stones, yes), exposed before the entire planet as the frauds they are.
In my VOP, progressives weeping, peeing themselves, jumping out of windows. Reality too much too bear. The entire community, lost, zombie-like. Epitomizing the look of bewilderment, disillusioned, @ terrified. The JA Party thinking, so smug, cocky, arrogant. The reality is the USA voters told all 0f youze to make like a tree and get out of here(Biff, yes!)!
Ya did this to yourselves. The entire lot of progs, the DNP, @ the media - got stupid, lazy, totally believing the polls @ all the media schlepps ! NOTE TO PROGS ; The media is not the USA public ! Never has been, never will be. So gullible, you doopayaashes did this to yourselves. Go thank the JA in the mirror.
The media monkeys, in all their inglorious stupidity, got it wrong ! The progs, everything they believe in was smashed to it's core. They are now the hole in the donut - up in smoke - stick a fork in them, for they are done !
THE POLLS WERE WRONG ! and the JA's believed all of them. The media monkeys, - stupid, lazy, liars, biased, out of touch with reality. Mass psychosis run amok ! (amok, come on, give it to me baby. when the last time you used amok in a sentence?) And now, finally, exposed. The truth will out. The American voters spoke. WE ARE TIRED OF ALL YOUR GODDAMM BULLSHIT !
- quoting Jesus Christ himself. JC baby ! We hear you loud @ clear !
How much ? 100's of millions of $$$$ ! Where'd it all go ? The Clintons are now filthy rich. The "O" Fund had $1,000,000,000 ! Who donated what ? Where is all this $$$$ now ? Who has it ? Yes, progs, the rich certainly do get richer. Secrets, lies, mythology. The lie of the left, the sham, finally exposed.
The HC team ran an awful campaign. Team Donald was brilliant, spending way way less money. TD made the DNC look ridiculous, and did I mention, made the national media look really, really freakin' stupid ! TD went after The Rust Belt @ this was genius. The RB, along with Florida, won the election(Fla., again, gotta hurt). TD, foregoing, NY, Il., Cal., focused on Fla., Penn., Ohio, Ind., Michigan, Wis., and won them all ! Thus, winning the election. Brilliant ! ("O" won all of theses states 4 years ago, oops).
Yes, Team Donald made Team HC look 2nd rate, spending way less $$$$. The Emails, to get redundant, killed her. HC does come across as a woman with a lot of hate in her.
The media, to pound a dead horse @ get more redundant, is so disgracefully stupid. FRAUDS - LIARS - BIASED - UNIMPORTANT - NO IMPACT - NO HONOR - NO TRUTH - NO GUTS - NO COURAGE - NO BALLS !!!! A shell of an institution, a facade, wrong, nothing good going on here. Be it internets, TV, radio, press, across the board useless. A disgrace to honest, hard working, law abiding citizens everywhere. These people(robots), need to have a massive jump into a river fest ! Get it over with, you are done, die with a last shred of dignity, jump. Be less painful. The world would be a better place. You are nothing, jump.
THE GOPS(new word, gop, bout right for these losers) -
Ya thought I was Republican, didn't cha ? WRONG, Kimosobie ! NO NO NO ! The GOPs have been a spineless disgrace since 1998. The No-Ballz Party. No leadership at all, an embarrassment. How else does one explain Trump winning this party's nomination ? My 1st thought was this is a joke and the Donald has the last laugh.
Best example - The ex-senator from the GOPs, from the great state of Il., former Senator Kirk ! WEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!! Bravo - standing ovation ! Could not have happened to a better guy. Hey Kirk, what's your next career ? Cuz your political career is over, done, stick a fork in this gop.
As predicted by me @ my team of experts(Layla 3, @ Logan 1), Kirk had his ass handed to him on a silver platter, during a Republican nationwide landslide, taking the WH, the senate, @ the HORs ! Not easy, this, for this takes special skills, but our guy Kirk, had what it takes ! He had the right stuff. The loser, jumped ship on his party's nominee for PREZ( a political cardinal sin, this), @ paid the ultimate price. WELL DONE !
Kirk, now that you are unemployed, there is room for you on the pier. It's time. You embarrassed yourself, your family, @ your political party. Enough, go, it is rivertime, get it over with.
You think Kirk's wife slapped his face when he came home on election night?
Newt, WEEEEE ! McCain, yeah baby ! Kirk, sayanara ! The disgraced leadership of the old GOP. Useless since 1998, the gop, has now, by the Donald himself, been laid to rest, dead @ buried for the whole world to see, never to be missed. A bunch of losers, the lot. They have embarrassed themselves long enuf. No balls, useless, it's time, JUMP ! Trump made all these schmucks look ridiculous.
The GOPs, buried, dump the ashes, go away. YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELVES.
And the Donald will be residing in the White House ! Unbelievable. The world is truly upside down @ has been for a very long time. ALICE RULES, BABY ! The rest of the planet has finally caught up to what I have been saying for decades. We are disillusioned, bewildered, betrayed. Fed up with business as usual from both sides of the aisle. BOTH SIDES SUCK !
The American people have spoken thru our democratic form of government. Government of the people, by the people, @ for the people have exposed rightly, the lies, myths, facade, @ hypocrisy of our government institutions across the USA. Both major political party's have disgraced the good hard working honest law abiding citizens of this once revered nation. Now, we are perceived as a war mongering nation of criminals @ a hated nation of chaos.
SHITZ @ GIGGLES - The Return
YOU CRAVE-YOU DEMAND-YOU CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT !!! My loving fan base can't be denied. Must not be, won't ! After all i am just a simple man(skynyrd, thank you) of the people. And oh, so very humble. And i could prove it, if you let me.
ALICE, BABY, ALL ABOUT ALICE -(@ the world is upside down)
The temp in Hell is below 32 degrees F. Armageddon is here! I been tryin' to tell youze, but you didn't listen, did ya? @ the proof is in the pudding, dammit! (what the hell does that mean?) the icing on the cake outside the box in the rain never to find that recipe again !(anybody with me?)
The single greatest sports record of all-time, a record that will never be broken, after 108 year slump(what? could happen to anybody), The Chicago Cubs are World Series Champions ! (a sentence that has not been written in 108 years)
Me, a life long suffering Chicagoan, wanted this oh so sacred record to continue, perhaps going on into the next century. Thusly, my great grand kids could enjoy this folly as well. We could of had a generational connection. A bond of futility for the entire family to experience. BUT NO ! NOT ME ! I never get what i want ! Dammit ! self-pity oozing from my pores(self-pity, a wonderful personality trait for anyone, huh? sarcasm, people, lots o sarcasm).
Think of this 108 year commitment to losing. The consistency, the luck, the certainty of disgrace @ embarrassment. Something to count on as the sun rising. The Cubs sucking was as constant as the air we breathe. Was as a mother's love. All is lost now, for now that is all over. Can't depend on anything anymore. With the Cubs as champions, the world that i have come to know and love, my world, all that i believed to be certain, my world reality, is gone. Upside down is the new reality.
How much $$$ were fans paying for the price of a WS ticket? Too much ! A fortune ! These people are such losers I can't stand it. The buyers @ sellers both, totally suck ! But people paid.
Cub hats - $35, - FUCK YOU ! but people pay.
T-shirts - $35, - kiss my white ass, @ people pay
Not me, never ! I have my pride. I have one shred of dignity.
What planet do we now reside on? The planet Alice !(it will come to you)
There is nothing spiritual in major sports any longer, which is what made sports great in the 1st place. I.E. see the NFL, a shell of it's former self, a mockery, a disgrace. Thank you Roger Goodell @ his team of monkeys.
We would be remiss if we failed to mention the wonder that is our beloved Chicago Bears, currently on a 3 decade long losing streak ! 7.8 more decades to go to match our Windy City baseballers, the Cubs. There is hope ! when the chips are down, we must hang on to hope, which actually is a dangerous thing, which leads to disappointment, frustration, despair. Sorry, whoa, let's reel this one back in a tad bit, shall we? Along with our current hero Jay Cutler (BOOOO HISSSSSS !!!!!!rants the back row). This bum has made a fortune at being one of the worst QBs in the NFL for 8 LONG YEARS. Momma, where'd i go wrong? @ the genius of the Bear's brass, making this loser one of the wealthiest guys in the entire league ! ALICE, HELP ME ! I have fallen, @ i can't get back up !
Jay, this season alone, along with his ever flamboyant hair style, sucks so bad, he has a QB rating of 29.9 ! Yes ! extend his contract ! Truly, Alice ! This team has no clue in managing a football team nor in ever producing solid NFL QBs . NEVER ! i swear they still practice the T-formation !
All major sports, pro @ college, are a bunch of crooked, greedy, corrupt, useless, insignificant losers. Don't care how rich you are, $$$ does not make you a decent human being nor credible honorable institutions. There is no honor, dignity, purity, integrity, all things of the past. The love of the game, the best team wins, sportsmanship, all extinct !
Nowadays, all about fantasy leagues, on-line gambling around the globe, 24/7/365. @ the money is pouring in ! $$$ talks-$$$ corrupts, nothing else. ALL MAJOR SPORTS LEAGUES SUCK ASS !!!!
I'm out.
Cubs win 1 world series every 108 seasons ! WEEEEEE !!! Awesome ! In that same time period, less actually, the NY Yankees got bout 30 ! @ bout 45 WS appearances ! So all you losers paying $10,000 a ticket, listen closely, for this is important. IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME !! They are still a disgrace to my great city. See youse in 2124 !
20th CONSECUTIVE SOBER Thanksgiving ! now this is what i'm talkin bout !
Tell me i am not blessed. go ahead, try, i dare ya, knock this battery off my shoulder. what ? are ya yella? can't do it, can ya? 20, not 19, nor 21, but 20 is the #(anybody? THE HOLY bloody GRAIL, dammitt! referencing the holy hand grenade. pee your pants funny, the best movie ever. what's 2nd? you scream. YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, of course, silly. or has all my teaching gone for naught?).
#1-SOBER T-DAY, 1997 ;
Jadwiga, Chester, @ yours truly, me, FW, his bad self. One of the most miserable nites of my life. I remember walking home that nite in tears. Ma @ Pa were both miserable and angry. WEEEEEEEEEEE-PARTY-not so much.
Fast forward-2016;
Wow! how the decades fly! Best T-Day ever! small, quiet, sober, yet packed with an abundance of spirituality. So meaningful, this nite, the good @ bad, reality, the best @ worst life has to offer, yet this is life, in all it's aspects. This is why, we, you @ I, are on this planet.
Did i mention that i was sober? Massive-blessed-lucky. I am so humbled by this, so grateful for this happened only by the grace of God/JC, wonderful family @ friends. Or, I would not be here. I was not gonna make it.
My sister - having an incredibly difficult last several years, culminating with the loss of her husband a couple of months ago. However, on this day, this holiday, we were together. This is something $$$ cannot buy. As fine example of being family as i can recall. A gift, this, from the good Lord above.
Her 20 year old son @ his equally young @ expecting bride. It was wonderful that they wanted to be part of this day. Young people, being aware of the importance of being with loved ones on this very special holiday.
Chester(papa) - 88, on this day we forgot our trouble of the past. Lay down the resentments if just for 1 day, as God intended, forgive each other, @ God shines a light !
Jadwiga(momma) - celebrating her 92nd B-DAY as well ! Mom is physically ok, but as you know, the dementia is complete. A recent fall put her in hospital, suffering 5 stiches @ a golf ball size lump on her forehead. This putting a huge sense of fear in Chester.
Thru the grace of God, on this day, we were together. My mother has seen it all. Living thru the horror of WW2, to raising 9 kids on the west side of the Windy City(i often wonder which was more difficult for her). This woman suffered @ sacrificed her entire life. I think St. Pete should have an entire wing ready in Heaven.
Ava - 1 of the home healthcare workers(Sophie being the other, both worth their weight in gold), was able to attend.
This day, this holiday, with these people, the grace of God was shining on this house. This is why we are here. This is living proof of God's will for each @ everyone of us. Love each other, forgive. Cherish these priceless days with those most important @ most in need of our time, love, help, @ attention.
How many more of these are we gonna get?
Not many.
Furthermore(yeowza), did i mention i was sober? Not the drunken fool i was on so many holidays of the past. Getting drunk on a day such as this, is the most absurd thing i could do(or even think about). The gifts of sobriety - the grace of God - heaven.
TURKEY DAY - a beautiful holiday. So much to be grateful for. Mom, still alive, healthy, sober, roof over my head, couple a $$$ in my pocket, 20 years on borrowed time, yes, i am the most blessed man on this planet. Yes, there is a God, a loving god. I try to the best of my humaness, to live thru His beloved son, Jesus Christ. The world is still a beautiful place with so many beautiful people.
There are heroes among us, everyday, everywhere. I am certain, one is near. No, not baseballers, certainly not politicians. Close as your neighbor. Teachers-doctors-cops-soldiers-priests-nuns-volunteer workers-nurses-moms-dads-siblings-sons-daughters-writers-musicians-artists-husbands-wives-friends. Sometimes, it seems like i am running out of heroes. Perhaps, i just need to be more aware of their presence.
Thru the evil men choose, thru the corruption, crime, muck, @ lies of modern society, the angels are out there, some in human form.
There is a loving god, @ I am never alone. I am never lonely. Never allow the bad guys to beat me. Never let them take my hope @ dictate my life. When we get knocked down, we get back up. Stay on the path of the angels.
Even though I am on the side of the angels, I don't think for a second that I am one. However(yeah baby!), i am a child of god @ evil @ satan cannot touch me. Satan is nothing, useless, meaningless, a coward, a liar. @ I believe in JC with the heart of a child. For then, i see the kingdom of heaven, which is found within @ all around me.
I pray to do the next right thing, the next good thing, even when i know it is hopeless. Forgiveness(a 2 way street), humility(never easy), sanity(HELP), grace(yeeesh), living amends(that is what i am all about-sometimes), strength, motivation, discipline, courage(i fall short all the time). Sacrifice for a better tomorrow, for the unknown. The impossible is possible. The days are sooooo long, and yet(weeee), the years fly by.
I am still in need of miracles. With the decisions i make, the muck(give it to me) I find myself in, again @ again, I need the Lord JESUS CHRIST more than ever, everyday. So again, HELP ! (I often make myself sick).
And mostly, Father/JC, what could i do for you, today ?
FW Roman
p.s. there is a Santa Claus
"Sinnerman" - from the lp "Pastel Blue" by Nina Simone - 1965
Came across this haunting song watching an episode of SHERLOCK (BBC). upbeat-fast-furious-aggressive-reggae-R @B piano with the incredibly unique voice of the great Nina Simone. GO DIRECTLY TO YOU TUBE, ASAP !
The lyrics remind me of the battle of good vs. evil, which each of us live on a daily basis.
ADD ON ; I am hooked on SHERLOCK(BBC), starring Benedict Cumberbatch - @ SHERLOCK HOLMES - A Game of Shadows, - starring Robert Downey jr. Directed by the great GUY RICHIE.
Reading from the canon almost every night. Both actors knock Sherlock Holmes outthe fuckingpark !