Saturday, February 2, 2019

crystal baller third eye blind lyrics

SHITZ @ GIGGLES (The Return of) - 2019 New Year Edition !! 

HEROES, few, @ far in-between, however, upon close scrutiny, there are a couple or 2, still out there. One is my brother, Eddie, who despite suffering serious physical ailments, procedures, surgeries, facing further treatments(the poor guy, honest), remains one of the most optimistic, positive, hopeful people I have ever known. Despite all of this, going on for decades now, he has been a rock within our family @ a beacon of light to me, always. I love you brother.  

  S@G -Straight outta rehab (cuz now, we gonna laugh!) 
   Happyeffingnewyear !!! Good, now that we got that outta the way, can we proceed sir ? (get that one I'll give you $100). 

 Self-imposed Detoxification (EXILE); 
 daily enemas, good for the soul, tho my ass is killing me! 

  Frozen burritos $1 each, Hot Pockets $1 each, Crunch-n-Munch (or Fiddle-Faddle as a substitute, will work just as well), 7-11 pizza($6, the best). Ice-cream, still a staple. An addiction I will never relinquish, @ the very best anti-depressant ever! 

  My way of telling the legal pusherman, big-pharm, kill yourselves. These MFers, have sold the USA down the river, with "O's" @ NP's  blessing. Nevertheless, why bring reality to any political discussion, right?   

   All gluten-all day baby!  tho I'm still not sure what gluten is. This, this is beautiful. One of the great con-jobs in the history of con-jobs. A magnificent ad- campaign, brilliant marketing. I should be so clever, so bold. Gluten-free beer, really. 

 "Honey, grab me a 30 pack o' Busch lite. Make sure it's gluten-free, ok?" 
The shit we swallow never ceases to amaze. Are we really this stupid, I mean, as a peoples? Yeah, we are.  

   is a filthy disgusting habit. Lung-throat-gum cancer. Breath stinks. Yellow teeth. Clothes smell, hair smells. Costs a fortune. Having said that, I'VE LOVED EVERYONE I EVER HAD !!! I will never quit. No way- no how-not gonna happen. I like it too much. 

*sorry sorry, i gotta pee. gimme 20. my prostrate is doing just fine, thank you for asking.* 

 Strict regiment of EXERCISE - 
   Actually doing pretty good on this one - KETTLE WORX, thru week 6 ! I am a machine!!! I LOOK GREAT IN MY NEW SKINNY JEANS ! @ what 56 year old white male heterosexual doesn't want to look good in their new skinny jeans? My ass is hot ladies !!! Still got it! Still got it goin' on !!! The stuff, I can still bring it. Just like Kenny Chesney! Or if you'd rather, Billy Ray Cyrus! 

  This is a great workout routine. Do it at home(save a ton o' $$$, no health club ripoff). Low-impact, no pounding on pavement, no heavy- weight lifting. My days of running are over. Too old for bike riding(too dangerous - too many assholes driving). I could never do the treadmill thing(just not my bag). Getting older(@ thank God for that), this is good stuff as we age. I do walk a lot(get good shoes), this is one of the best things we could do as we age. Gotta keep movin' people. CAN'T HIT A MOVING TARGET !!
Tho I do find myself looking over my shoulder often(can't be too safe - there are those that have me in their cross-hairs). 


  Fess-up time. Yup, my hairline, thinning, receding, @ gray(tears flowing). If I could I would have hair down to my ass, honestly. So, humbling myself to reality (AAAUUURRRGGGHHH), I am 56(fuck, tho i am blessed to be amongst the living), we must accept things as they are. Or do we? 
  More secrets, I been spray-painting my head with Ron Popiel's INSTANT HAIR! (you get used to the smell, watering eyes, headaches, open the windows, DO NOT SMOKE!) After a couple a go-arounds, I'm really getting the hang of this. Not so messy now. PSA - MEN, chicks dig it !!! I am catching the glimpses, the looks, the behind the hand chatter, and oh yes, the smiles.   

 No matter our ages, there are things we can do to keep it goin' on, SWING BABY! 

 And ready to take on the world ! 



  Tried this before, it didn't take, (got my teeth kicked in actually). This time, however, it's gonna be different. I can feel it. Even tho I've tried this 1000 times, (failing miserly), this time is gonna be different. I can feel it, scratch it, touch, sniff even(awrite, stop, get some Lanacaine(spelling?)). I CAN DO THIS. I GOT THIS THING, NO PROBLEM. If not this time then when? When do I finally get it thru my thick Honky-Polish-German-Catholic-Jewish?-ass skull, that LIFE is a WE program. 

   We are all brothers @ sisters -
 (black-white-latinos, republicans-dems, Sox-Cubs even, Catholic-Prods-Muslum-godless heathen, city-suburbs). STOP !!!!! I gotta draw a line somewhere. I loathe the suburbs. I am a city kid thru @ thru. Suburbs, ugh !! That is a different world I want no part of(as stated in the aforementioned, tried, it did not take).  Drive everywhere, no public-trans. Can't walk anywhere, no sidewalks. WTF? NO SIDEWALKS !! What planet is this! 

      Dupage County, BUILD A WALL AROUND THIS !!!!

  I need an alley. Park the car when I have one, in my 1 car garage. Walk thru my yard, outside. Actually know who my neighbor is. Stop, chat, even. What a concept! 

  To qualify for membership in this club, one must -

1) - Be a full-fledged GOP(naturally),
2) - Be Caucasian(or trying to be, see LESTER HOLT),
3) - One must golf (golf sucks ass), 
4) - Be 35-40 pounds overweight, 
5) - Drive either a  BMW, Lexus, Mercedes, or Audi. 

So basically, one must be OCD, uptight, and on the verge of erectile dysfunction.

  *** IF I SEE ONE MORE CHRISTMAS commercial with a new car in the driveway, people will die. Me? I just got a new bus pass !!!! WEEEEEEEEE !!!!! look at me now ! I been workin' since I was 15 years old, look at me now !!! My mother, Jadwiga, God rest her soul, would say I am quite the catch !!! 



   WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO 2018? it just started. Time is so flying, older I get, Jesus. Blink, another year. Make it count, this year, now, today, NOT TOMORROW. I am trying to live each day as if it were my last(ya never know). I couldn't bitch either(I been on borrowed time for decades). Let's review, what the hell we are doing here in the 1st place? 
   LAST-BEST-ONLY-HOPE is the philosophy that a spiritual life as taught us by JESUS CHRIST, is the only place where we find hope. That there is a loving GOD @ we all are HIS children. We are never alone, our lives are not our own. This whole thing is temporary. We believe GOD works thru people, for faith without works is dead !!!! (this one has been killing me lately).  The toughest of them all might be finding, seeking truth. Why do we seek truth? "THOSE THAT SEEK TRUTH AND FIND IT SHALL HEAR MY VOICE". People are terrified of truth. We invent shit to justify our own ridiculous philosophical beliefs, political beliefs, religious beliefs completely ignoring(or cowardly) truth. 
  WE are all connected(another one killing me). Everything is connected. Everything we do is connected to the next. All peoples are connected to the rest. @ seemingly unrelated events, ARE COMPLETELY TOTALLY UNEQUIVOCALLY RELATED. And effected by each and everything we do. One of my most difficult tasks recently, has been achieving forgiveness for each and everyone I know. For if not, I am not forgiven. The upside down effect. Keep it-give it away. By loving, I gain love. By bringing hope, I gain hope. Being a friend, I gain friends. Trying to bring peace, I am peaceful. Helping someone find sanity, I stay sane. By admitting I am an alcoholic, a hopeless drunk, @ cannot stop drinking, I GAIN STRENGTH. For I could NEVER NEVER EVER stay sober loe these 22 years without a lot of help. This is where divine intervention @ the grace of God thru His beloved son JESUS, come into play. 

  Being touched by the HAND OF GOD is one hell of the thing. To come into contact with HIS grace, His love, His power is truly miraculous @ and available to all who seek HIS GRACE HIS POWER HIS LOVE. Seek @ Ye shall find. Ask @ ye shall receive. Knock @ the door shall be opened. One caveat, GOD/JC CANNOT HELP US WITHOUT OUR COOPERATION. This is a biggy. 

  I have been on the wrong end of this equation for far too long @ too many times. We do get what is coming to us, there is karma. What goes around, most certainly comes back. And I am being stymied. Stopped in my tracks. End before it begins. Professionally, personally my life is intertwined, so entwined it is scary. There are no coincidences. My past has caught up with me. Time to pay the piper, past due, do not pass go, do not collect $200. 
  God is stopping me(seemingly anyways), from making the same mistakes, hurting people callously, without regard nor concern. The level of my indifference for so many years, for far too long, amazes even me. I shutter at my apathy. But no more. God is now stopping me in tracks. Stopping me from MAKING THE SAME GODDAMM MISTAKES I'VE BEEN MAKING MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE. 
     Thusly, I AM IN EXILE.  

 ***I talk a good game. I write about many good things. Talk is so cheap. One thing I cannot forget, EVEN THO I AM ON THE SIDE OF THE ANGELS, I NEVER THINK FOR ONE SECOND, THAT I AM ONE OF THEM. We are defined by our actions*** 

     We gonna get more into this next chapter. Back into the 4th Dimension - where the number is 11-11, the color is royal blue, the band is 3rd EYE BLIND, so for now, without further ado(wow), it is time to laugh, to chuckle, snigger, guffaw with SHITZ @ GIGGLES. Laughter, the great medicine that keeps me from committing murder(kidding, ya see how this works?).  GO !


Jan. 2019 @ The Chicago Sports scene

   Stop me before I pee my pants. Have things ever been this pathetic? Sadly, yes. Pretty much my entire childhood The Windy City sports teams sucked so bad for so long, much like now. Where to start? Ah, at the bottom. 


   HAHAHA !!!! LOL !!!!!!!! Fall out of my chair. Fuck me, are you kidding me? The world we live in is so upside down. Why in the name of all things holy does John Paxson have a fucking job? Garr Hurd, whatever the fuck his name is, really? Worst team in the NBA. These 2 jokers, for how long now? TOOFUCKINGLONG !!!! And white-suburban fools still go, paying a fortune to support this embarrassing club. Bulls ownership, I could do John Paxson's job, just as badly, for a lot less $$$$$$. What is this clown's salary? How many millions? Give me 1/10th of what this loser makes. Think of the savings. I could give you the results these jokers are giving you for a lot less money, CALL ME. I AM AVAILABLE. What have you got to lose? 
  Or, close up shop and leave town. No one will miss you. You are a disgrace to my city. GET OUT ! WHY IS THE GODDAMM NEWS giving these 2 every break in the world. NEWS MEDIA SUCK ASS !!!! THAT'S WHY! 
I have not watched a Bull's game since MJ left. I got my pride. 


  Let's be grateful for the 3 titles this team gave us. They got 3, not a bad achievement there. Nevertheless, as they always do, the window has finally shut. I think they are in last place.  I haven't seen a game for a couple o' now. I guess I am not missing much. I imagine the fans still selling out, costing a fortune. It makes me ill to see the salary of pro athletes, management, the price to go to a game, price of concessions, and STUPIDLY, more white-suburbans pay up the ass. Low-income, mid-class income families are out !!! 

THIS STARTLING FACT KILLS ME. The rich get richer, @ we get poor. The JA party,  cry about this fact, while so many of these very fans are liberals and are instrumental in propagating this mess they keep crying about ( yeah, I got political on ya. Why do I pik on JA's, cuz the dems have owned the Windy City for what, 65 years now, that's why. GOPs are extinct 'round here). Time to boycott this non-sense. 


  Really? Yeah, ok they are still in Chicago. I don't know where to begin. This team and baseball lost me in 1994, year o' the strike. I understand that this last place team is fun to watch @ they try real hard. So does my neighbor's 6 year old daughter who plays T-Ball down the street.  I would rather watch little league any day before pro's in this town all day everyday. Shut them down, get out. Having a higher education and doing the maths, the rate the South-siders win championships, the next one is due in the year 2093 !!!! WEEEEEEE, yes !!! Did they at least finally, mercifully, get rid of the HAWK? 
  I am unable to give you the name of one player on this current roster. I am unequivocally out. 


  The aforementioned window, closes fast, does it not. And knowing the history of this organization, well, at the rate this team wins titles, the next one is due in 2124. Allow me to state that fact one more time, cuz I can hardly believe what I am writing @ this is my goddamm city !!!! At the rate the CHICAGO CUBS win championships, the next one is due in 2124 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
   If it wasn't true, no one would believe it. What does one say? They sellout every-fucking-game! It costs a fortune. What a fucking ripoff! But albeit, the fans pay. If I could afford it, I wouldn't pay. I CAN'T AFFORD TO GO TO THESE GAMES. When younger, @ having much more buying power, we went to games ALL THE TIME!! Can someone do the maths please? 

  How much $$$ ? 

2 tickets, 
one beer an inning(back in the day, yeah, in a galaxy far, far, away), 
hot dogs(always loved a hot dog at the ball game) 
Cub hat, 
Cub t-shirt, 

  PLAYERS MAKES MILLIONS $$$$$$$$$$. Management, vendors, et al, You know what Chicago Cubs, you couldn't pay me to go to one of your games. 
  Just as the Sox, the Cubs one and done. 
2124, people. The magic # is 2124 !!!!!!!!!! Pee my pants, LOL fall down !!!! Rich white people keep paying. Poor get poor, well done. 

  NOT ME BROTHER. This is a microcosm of what is wrong in THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA !!! 


  SUPER BOWL SHUFFLE BABY !!!! Da Coach, Sweetness, Fridge, Punky QB, 46, sadly the last championship was 33 years ago. Once more, to be redundant, the last super bowl championship was 1985, 33 years ago !!!! Are you fucking kidding me ?? But they made the playoffs right? Only to lose in typical Bear fashion of great D, no O, @ a double doink !!!!!! 
  CODY PARKEY(mr. automatic), CODYFUCKINGPARKEY !!!!(will be immortalized right along side JAYFUCKINGCUTLER, and Steve Bartman). 

  1st thought, where the fuck is Robbie Gould? Bears don't need him, no. Are you kidding? It's never one play in the NFL. Certainly not gonna win a lot of games scoring 15 points !!! I thought new coach was O genius? 15 points, that's fantastic. Mitch was banged up. Bears have a championship D that we have seen before too many times in The Windy City, with no O.  Too bad, cuz they matched up great v The Rams. 
   Woulda- shoulda-coulda. Windows, they close so fast.

   Unless, of course you are the New England Patriots. This team, every season. Brady is SUPERMAN. 9th SB !!!! 9 !! 8 straight AFC games !!! 8 !!! TB12 is simply the greatest football player in the history of the NFL !!! Never seen this, we will never see this again. Enjoy it while he lasts. Cuz once he is finally done, there my not be any good reason to watch the NFL. 

  AND our Monsters of The Midway, haven't won a title since 1985. 



   This state, has got to be the worst state in all 50, when ranking achievement in collegiate sports. Sticking to the 4 major sports, men's division, what we got here is a failure to communicate !!!(another $50 if you get this). This is CHICAGO, THE WINDY CITY, city of big shoulders, I mean really, WTF ?  
 HOCKEY- this is a hockey town- zero across the board zero. A disgrace. 
 BASKETBALL - well this used to be a great b-ball town. Really embarrassing. 
 BASEBALL - this state should be rocking in this sport. Never anything on this one. 
 FOOTBALL - for the love of GOD !!! 


U of I, Champaign - CHILDREN OF THE CORN 
DEPAUL - they used to have a basketball program
NORTHWESTERN - anything ? 
LOYOLA - ?????????
NIU - ????
SIU - ????
  and the rest do not matter. This state should be kicking ass within all 4 major sports. We aren't even respectable. We are a disgrace. I don't get it. Nobody gets it 'round here and I don't think anyone gives a shit. Which really is too bad, cuz, college sports can so kickass. High School sports kicks ass just as well.  

ME, FW Roman, am offering my services to all schools stated above. I can be your AD, or coach in any sport. I can give you the results you are getting now, AND I WILL DO THE JOB FOR A LOT LESS MONEY $$$$ . Call me. 


  2019, a year of change. I need to walk the walk. Great faith. Great trust. The world is still a beautiful place, even with all the ugly. So many beautiful people. I have been so blessed. There is a GOD, He is love @ His son is Jesus Christ, my Lord @ savior. All things are possible. There is a battle of good v evil, everyday, all day. First, it starts within, outward. Til next time, I'll be thinkin' o' you !!!

                                                       L-B-O-H, there is always hope, usually not where you think it is. HAPPIEST NEW YEAR TO ALL HUMAN BEINGS EVERYWHERE, we are all connected. 


   It's happened. The impossible. A seismic shift of the polar axis. My all-time fave, The BEATLES, have finally, after a 53 year run, been usurped by 3rd Eye Blind, as my all-time fave band ever ever ever. I have never loved a band as much as this. I have never been this addicted to one band. I cannot stop listening. Stephen Jenkins, my God, an unbelievable talent for over 20 years now. The band is flawless in concert, just killing it.  Rock, stagger me, jaw dropping, electricity into my marrow, soundtrack of my life, into my heart, soul, body, mind. The good-the bad, all at once. Impact, searing my soul. Defining me. Showcasing the grief, sorrow, guilt, heartbreak- the beauty, love, joy, the blast life can be, ALL AT THE SAME TIME.  
  So, yeah, I kinda dig 'em.

Seeing them for the 3rd time in JUNE, in The Windy City. GOD is good, God is awesome, @ Jesus is a Rockstar !!! 

                                                      PEACE @ LOVE, 

                                                                                        FW ROMAN