Monday, November 30, 2015

     THE NATIVITY @(Gabba Gabba Hey !)

Hey Ho, let's go !!

GO GO GO GOIN' TO A GOGO EVERYBODY!!! I just can't help it my friends, I got a need! i need to rock ! and it's not my fault !! swear to God ! GROWING UP IN THE 60'S WITH 8 OLDER BROTHERS @ SISTERS, WHAT YOU EXPECT ! WLS-am, WCFL-am, the top 40, 45's, Dick Biondi(spellcheck?), Larry Lujack(spellcheck?) ! THE BRITISH INVASION ! MOTOWN ! THE BIRTH OF HEAVY METAL HARD ROCK-N-ROLL !! ALBUM ROCK ! FM RADIO ! Acid rock ! tho i gotta tell you, i stopped using drugs and acid rock was no longer cool, no, not by a long shot and thank God for that !

 The holiday season is here ! LOVE LOVE LOVE CHRISTMAS ! the whole thing ! the music ! decorations ! trees ! lights ! gifts ! wrapping ! snow ! Santa Claus rules !!!! though i get confused about St. Nick, Kris Kringle, or Santa Claus ? what gives, 3 names ! Mid-nite mass rocks ! Family(this one not so sure. cuz we are related by an accident of birth, it does not mean I want to hang with you!). Friends(as long as they are sober! no wiggle room on the one). i seem to be missing something. what, tho ? I GOT IT ! 

                            THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  Hypothetically, can you imagine how screwed up the world would be if Jesus Christ was never born ? and, today, the world is one effed up place ! In honor of JC, this chapter will have no F-bombs. the least i can do, no? cuz an F-bomb used accordingly can be quite effective when looking for impact ! 

 the birth of Christ, the most important day in the history of the human race ! honestly, if JC was never born, i believe the human race would be a thing of the past ! we would have annihilated each other centuries ago ! Nevertheless(yeah, that word again), we are one step away from destroying ourselves anyway, dontcha think ? what with the 3rd rate political, science, business, religious leaders we have left the fate of the world in, it's a matter of time now. the clock is ticking. enjoy it while it lasts. cuz it ain't. but i digress.

 The birth of Christ is often referred to as The Nativity, thus, the title of this epic piece of non-literature. In case you were wondering what in the hell you were reading here ! what we do attempt is clarity. I am a clarifier if nothing else. Is clarifier even a word? if not, then i just invented a new word ! Momma always said i was smart ! Yes, we clarify and if there is one event that needs clarity, the nativity is that event. and just in the Nick(get it?) of time for the holiday season is upon us and we all need to think much clearer about our lamebrain ideals, thoughts, and values ! most of these are utterly useless anyway, dontcha think? I mean look where all that nonsense has got you. 

  We have the pregnant virgin, Mary the mother of God(Jewish). Joseph, her husband, the carpenter(Jewish), travelling through Bethlehem. Looking for a place to rest and to give birth to THE SON OF GOD and lo and behold, there is no room for them at The Inn ! Hogwash ! i say ! pure case of anti-semitism if i ever saw one ! No room, my ass ! The innkeepers saw the young pregnant couple and all of a sudden there is no room at the inn ! Bull, i say ! Bull !

 The inn owners, i am sure, saw the couple, did not like what they saw and refused them lodging. How much longer are my people going to have to put with this cruelty ? (for those of you who don't know, my grand mother was Jewish. this poor woman was put to death by the Nazis. but i will leave that for another day). Perhaps the owners were prudish, and did not approve of sex in a woman so young !  I'm sure they did not buy the story that Mary became pregnant by Immaculate Conception ! I mean who would ?
 Thank God Joseph believed her !

Nevertheless(yes!), a more blatant case of anti-semitism I have seldom seen. Where is the ACLU when you need them ? 

 there is another theory being bounced about by scholars about there being no room at the inn. and they do have a point. IT WAS THE HOLIDAY SEASON AFTER ALL ! Busy time of year what with the shoppers and all that. People celebrating with family. Church goers and such like. MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, THE YOUNG COUPLE DID NOT HAVE A RESERVATION TO STAY AT THE INN ! Perhaps they did not make there reservation in time because of the holiday rush !  being young, perhaps the young couple took it for granted there would be a room. and who among us hasn't experienced this?

  I often wonder if Joseph was saving his sheckles and did not have an up to  date cellphone plan ! HE COULD NOT GET A SIGNAL ! Perhaps he was cheap and still had one of those flip-phones that we see some losers walking about with(i myself have a criket)! If only he had a 4G plan with Verizon he could  have called in time to make a reservation. He could have used WIFI ! but history tells us he did not have 4G, did not have access to WI-FI. 


 so much confusion about these 3 dudes. who were they?  Seeing really bright stars(LSD trip ? i don't judge. i mean after all, who among us hasn't dropped LSD @ rode camels thru the desert?). 

SO, AGAIN, IT IS UP TO ME TO CLARIFY ! and reader, yes reader, you, i do this for you ! READER, HAVE YOU ABANDONED ME? WHERE DID YOU GO ? COMEBACK ! READER, PLEASE ! though if i was in your shoes, LIKE A BAT OUT OF HELL! but i digress.

The truth, finally. the conspirators can now lay it to rest. The identity of the 3 wisemen has been uncovered ! the cover-up is over ! Yes, me, thru intensive research, knee-deep in intensive research mind you(knee-deep in BS also, tho you know this already!), years of time wasting, have solved the mystery of the 3 wisemen ! THANK GOD ! you say !  this is stuff the NSA, the CIA, the oval office, DEA, FDA, USA, FBI, NAACP, AA, PTA, and the girl scouts do not want you to know ! THE TRUTH, dammit, we seek the truth ! for those that seek the truth shall hear my voice ! 



 the 3 WISEMEN came from a region formerly known as "SEEBEEGEEBEE" and there names were DIDI, JOEY, and JOHNNY !!!! Yes, the 3 dudes were actually Didi Ramone, Joey Ramone, and Johnny Ramone ! Praise Jesus, we were right all along ! for have there ever been 3 wiser men in the history of this planet ? I think not.

 Riding camels is a falsehood. the boys got lost and their VW Bus ran out of gas ! of course it was a VW Bus, what else could it have been? the 3 fighting the entire trip. arguing over who is the biggest jerkoff !

 the bright lite ? They thought were a gas station only to be the guiding star to THE SON OF GOD !

 the gifts of gold, frankincense, Muir is false. the boys actually were smoking some Colombian gold grass and the story has been embellished over the centuries !  you know, cuz of the holidays and the kids. 

 #1 - From the East - Living in the Windy City, CBGB's is in the east !  
  I'm satisfied.
The Ramones - the coolest dudes of all-time ! and a more dysfunctional bunch you could never find ! this is why the cover-up !

Serious for one second. this is a personal message from me to the people who find any Nativity scene anywhere, objectionable. YOU PEOPLE NEED TO GO AWAY AND JUMP INTO A          RIVER ! a nativity scene disturbs you? really? with all the jerkoffs, the evil, the violence in the world, a nativity scene bothers you? KILL YOURSELF ! for you have wasted your life. you add nothing to the common good. you are a loser ! your values and your brains are useless ! DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN !!!!


How in the name of God, can somebody have a problem with this? Whoever you are, i do not want to know you ! who else anywhere is teaching this?  Jesus Christ saved the world. He saved it for us. He saves it from us. and the world because of Him, is a much more beautiful place. Thank you God ! 

  Regardless of all, there is love beauty joy happiness. There are beautiful people everywhere. Life is beautiful. there is love. 

 And we can thank Jesus Christ for that !!!!


                     MERRY CHRISTMAS,
                                               PEACE AND LOVE,
                                                                                      FW Roman

Chapter theme song is a Christmas song from of course, The Ramones !

Ramones - Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)

  THIS ONE ALWAYS BRINGS A TEAR TO MY EYE. I'm certain all of you feel the same way. Is there anything better than a Ramones X-mas !!! I THINK NOT ! When I ponder DiDi, Joey, @ Johnny, I can't but think love, forgiveness, @ we are all brothers @ sisters ! HOW BOUT YOU ? What is your favorite Ramones X-mas memory? so many, i know. too many to choose from, no? Most certainly, THE WISE MEN FROM THE EAST ! 

Sunday, November 15, 2015


                                   SHITZ @ GIGGLEZ

Shitz @ Gigglez, are back !!!!

call your friends ! call your neighbors ! shout it out loud ! praise Jesus!, this is the one we have all been waiting for ! it is that time of year ! waiting with bated breath!(what is bated mean anyways?). the under shorts feeling snug!(and don't we all secretly love that, yes?). some would call it sphincter tightening time (not me, but some). we all get a little goofy this time of year, don't we?i don't, i prefer gettin goofy year round, it's easier to stay in the zone. much like exercise. we get out of the zone and it can be difficult to get back in. dontcha think reader? you reader, yes, you. the one who all of this is for anyways. perhaps you have forgotten. or purposely you have left the country without informing me! can't say i'd blame you. if i were in your shoes, i very well might get the hell out also. but nevertheless(my favorite word by the way), i digress. shift focus, i humble myself.

my most hated word ! AAAAAUUUUURRRRRGGGGGHHHHH !!!!! how i loath humility ! not my best quality, no, not even close. a word i run across always, that ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS bites me in the ass my entire life. 
 HOW IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, DOES ONE GET HUMBLED? where do we find this oh so precious and elusive quality? and when in the name of the Lord will i begin to seek this characteristic as a valuable asset? for the penalties of not being humbled are severe and immediate. I would kno, cuz i have been paying severely my entire life. you would think i would learn. BUT NO ! not me. i gotta get kicked in the teeth again and again and again until i acquire the needed willingness to change my behavior. changes which would only benefit me in the long run. But i possess a head as hard as a brick. i am Polish, ya see? and we as a people are as stubborn to change as any peoples i have encountered. never to our benefit i must add. even when we kno better, we still cling to crap, shit defects of character which have inhibited our growth as human beings since the beginning of time! so, ya see, it's not all my fault ! dammit you see this don't you? READER, help me here. where are you dammit when i need you? HEEELLLPPP ! taken a powder, haven't you?(taken a powder, who comes up with this crap?). 

  ok. back at it. humilty(fuck me!) 

not a big fan but let's try. for the first time in my life i gotta try! 

being grateful for what i have. staying away from what i want and do not possess. focusing strictly on my needs and not on what i want. getting outside my comfort zone. this is where we grow as human beings at every area of lives. staying away from what i am afraid i may lose. 
 letting go of failures in the past. time to learn and move on. no more guilt. no more shame. regrets, yes, but i cannot allow them to overwhelm me. accepting things as they are. living completely and totally 1 day at a time. i can live in 24 hour segments. this has taken me forever to learn! 
24 hour segments. i can do this, for this forces me to focus on NOW. here and now. events of today. people in my life today(not taking them for granted. my standing and status economically, professionally, financially, and personally. realizing things could have turned out SOOOOO much worse for me than they have.

 true for all of us. could be dead,(easily). could be an invalid,(easily). locked up(easily). but through the grace of god and some wonderful people, i am none of those, today.

let's stay on the positives in my life. not the negatives. when i humble myself, i have much better perspective of the BIG PICTURE. not getting caught up in the minutia of everyday living which can and does drive men mad. which leads me to my biggest obstacle of my entire life. KEEPING MY BIG FUCKING MOUTH SHUT ! i have never never never been able to do this. and i have paid the price. EGO, yes that fucking word. for i bruise easily. sensitive ya kno? 
 when i do not get my way, my mouth roars. when someone steps on my toes, i retaliate. push me, i push back. even at work. for at work this behavior has killed me over and over and over again. 
so, i am learning through countless failures, SHUT THE FUCK UP ! even when i am right, shut up! when the other person is wrong, and i am disturbed, shut up! take it, walk away. do not talk. for me having words come out of my mouth will only make things worse. ALWAYS!

 wiser words have never been spoken. let the other guy win the ego battle. cuz, it does not matter. not in the big picture. rise above. focus on what is truly important. good work relations. good relations with the boss. need that paycheck baby! good re pore with clients no matter what. paychecks, it's all about paychecks. FUCK THE TINY EGO BATTLE. cuz it means nothing.
 at home. wife, girlfriend, kids, parents, friends, relatives. careful here. i am single for a reason. again, the most important lesson of my life, SHUT THE FUCK UP ! when in the moment, i seem to not be getting my way, shut up. let it ride. people are gonna do what they wish no matter what i say. and then, wait, there are rewards. 
 let it ride. don't get caught in a pissing match. shut up. for tonite, tomorrow, the ego battle is over. the boss will remember. the wife, girlfriend, lover will remember. and I WIN !!!! yes, i win in the long run. let people make mistakes. let them be stupid. eventually, they will realize the errors, and we don't need to club the obvious. they know. kindness does come.

The most difficult lesston of my entire life. HUMILTY 


holiday season is here. SO MUCH TO BE GRATEFUL FOR. i am the most blessed man on the planet. this has been an amazing year in so many ways. things have never been better. WOW ! nice to say that. GOD HAS BLESSED ME ! again and again.

 CHRISTMAS TIME !! the greatest holiday ! celebrating the birth of Christ ! for get the rest and focus on love, forgiveness, and we are all brothers and sisters !!! i love Christmas in Chicago ! shopping, gift wrapping, the music, the lights, the trees, decorating, mid-nite mass ! I LOVE THE WHOLE THING.

            GOD IS AWESOME,
                JESUS IS A ROCKSTAR !
   With the Heart of a Child,    coming soon !!!!!

               peace and love,
                                       FW Roman


Pachelbel's Canon - London Symphony Orchestra


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Thee Reunion - the class of 1989

Thee Reunion @ the class of 1989(the return-the disgrace-the glory !!)

 THIS AIN'T EZ !! but i digress ;

"Animal house", John Belushi as Bluto, "7 years of college down the fucking drain"!
Well, Mr. Blutorski, i got you beat ! 9 years ! yes ! praise JESUS ! how fucked up was i ? a great question? let's put this one to our team of experts, shall we? ANSWER; really fucked up ! hardly believe i graduated, and, yet how, you ponder. by the skin of my freakin teeth !

 A disgrace, yes, i will not deny. but at the very same moment, so very proud. not ez, college, being a full blown drunk. no, not ez being me. not ez at all. yes, i got my degree and i was a drunken mess through it all.


WORST MEMORY -  ok. let's get this out of the goddam way. I MISSED MY GRADUATION ! yes, i did. can you believe this shit? family members present. friends from out of town. MY MOTHER ! i was not there ! i got wasted the night before and was too sick to attend. MASSIVE HANGOVER !  my hangovers were as death. i have been massively ashamed of this for 26 years. my mom was so proud of me and i was not there. just about the worst memory of my pathetic drunken life.


YES, i am a college graduate. to those of you who follow my epic saga masterpiece blog, this may seem redundant. for, i am sure my intellect is quite clear for all to see and marvel at. been trying that humility thing lately and it is not working. but, somebody please stop me for my ADD is in full force now. i may never return and how awful that would be for you reader ! so there, breathe, calm, summer breeze, ok ? i am back. where did i go? not sure, but i do not want to go back !

 You reader, yes you, and you know who you are, would take for granted that i possess a PHD. of some sort or another. but i humble myself yet again. NO NO NO phd. no honorary doctorate degrees. no cum ma cum laud es. shocking, i know. but, nevertheless, let the games begin. for i have no idea what in the name of all that is holy, i am talking about !

LAST-BEST-ONLY-HOPE primarily the underlying theme is going from dark to light. from the depths of depravity to the glory of God and life. from hell to heaven right here on earth. never a dull moment !

this one is a journey 26 years in the making. 26 years, Jesus, when i say it like that. Mostly, a spiritual journey, emanating from the darkest place of my heart, where my demons lay. to finally, letting this demon go. coming to grips with this one, facing it. accepting it, living my amends, and ultimately forgiving myself. for i have been crucifying myself over this mess for 26 years.
 but now, it is over. i have come to the light. finally, gratefully i have let myself off the hook. laying this one to rest. arriving at a place of nothing but extreme gratitude, for i am one of the blessed ones. i got out alive and have lived long enough to talk about it. sober for almost 2 decades. glorious !

 my heart needed to be free of this and i for 26 years, could not do this, not alone. too much guilt and shame for me to bare. i needed help to free my heart and for 26 years i could not do this. God does work through people and in mysterious ways. He has brought into my life at crucial moments, guardian angels. help has arrived. finally. my heart is free. it is lighter. the burden is diminished.


 A GLORIOUS NIGHT. Attended with my new guardian angel, Kristina. 
     THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES ONCE WE EMBARK ON A SPIRITUAL PATH.  none of this happened by accident. this was by design, from the hand of God, straight from heaven. it was time to reconcile. time to accept my past. time to forgive myself. self-forgiveness, so goddam difficult, always. today, i am so very grateful to God and Kristina for as stated, i could NEVER NEVER NEVER do this alone. words are utterly useless. but i will try.
 An invite and registration form arrived in the mail notifying me of my class of 1989 reunion from Elmhurst College. the flashbacks began immediately. the good-the awful. i mentioned this to Kristina and we agreed to attend. At this time, i would like to personally thank my GA for joining me and making sure i got there(not like my graduation day !). this means the world to me and i could never thank you enough for joining me on an event unlike anything i have ever undertaken. thank you for being my friend, for caring about me, for helping me to heal, for loving me, for taking me to the light.  REDEMPTION !
  For not only was this my reunion, it was my very own graduation ! made possible by God and my GA !

  No coincident, God wanted me there and He got me there.
 The week of;  
  Monday i am scheduled to work in Elmhurst(what do you know!). Start time is noon(start time is never noon- this is no accident). This allows me to get to campus that morning and register for the reunion, personally(how bout them apples?). 
 THIS IS IMPORTANT. I had not stepped foot on this campus for 26 years ! I took 1 step from street to campus and the floodgates opened. i wept i wept i wept. not ashamed to admit this. i had to sit down. 
  It was a beautiful morning. these were tears of healing. 26 years of tears, and yet they were tears of joy. for God and everyone else has forgiven me. and now, a 1/4 century later, i was finally able to forgive myself. feeling the love grace peace forgiveness of God flood through me. 
 Healing. allowing me to go forward spiritually. which had been denied me lo these many years.

 The entire week of was a spiritual journey with a green light that allowed all of this to happen. everything fell into place, made EZ by God. It was time for THE PRODIGAL to return. time to let go. time to free my heart of this terrible guilt, shame, @ demon. I have a disease called alcoholism and all of us do things and say things which would never cross our minds sober. Which ultimately is why this disgrace of my life happened in the first place. we screw up royally at the worst possible moments. we get rip-roaring drunk at the most important times of our lives, revealing our worst behavior in front of people who love us the most. causing enormous amounts of guilt, embarrassment, and shame. 
 I have a disease. i did not ask for it but i got it. this would not have happened sober. but in 1989, i was a mess and my disease only got worse in the 90's, becoming a nightmare. 
  God was telling me through my tears that i was forgiven, that i can forgive myself. time to stop crucifying myself. let go, free my heart and this is exactly what happened. 
 WORDS ARE UTTERLY USELESS in trying to express enough gratitude for what this reunion means to me. 



 I graduated college at the age of 27, an adult, a grown man(by years anyways). i got into a habit of leaving apples on my professors' desks, as a kid would do in grade school. My teachers must have thought i was nuts ! and they would have been right. But it was all done tongue in cheek. most got it. Anything that would put favor upon me i was never above. get me over a hump so to speak. Change a grade to a little higher. get them to like me. a freaking brown-nose in epic proportions ! A schmoozer if you will. 
 I.E. - I would walk by teacher's desk, before or after class, making sure they see me and i would leave an apple on their desk. Psychotic, perhaps, but i thought inspiring to the lengths i would go for a grade ! I am very proud of this commitment to a better grade ! dedication is what i am talkin' bout here ! Reader, are you with me or have i finally lost you ? Hello, are you there ?
  For i had no shame when in came to ass-kissing in the world of academia !  


 DUI - downtown Elmhurst, 1 way street. driving wrong direction. drunk as a skunk. total blackout, as usual. no recollection of being pulled over. woke up behind bars. this is what drunks do. thank god nobody got hurt. 
 after this episode, i did not have a driver's licence for 12 years ! rightly so, for even this arrest did not stop my drinking. i was glad not to have a car any longer. no more alcohol driving problems. i had my priorities, ya see ? and nothing and nobody was gonna get in the way of my drinking ! i was one extremely sick human being.

 yes, one hell of a disease !


   GRADUATED WITH A 2.9 GPA !! not bad for a drunk, huh ? wonder what i could have got sober ? i would like to think 3.4, perhaps ? we will never know. 
 thing is, i loved academia. i loved just being on campus. the atmosphere, so positive. students working to build a better tomorrow. preparing for a future career.  i still love walking any college campus. in my eyes, college is the shit ! 

 This may sound completely psychotic, it's me remember? so bear with me. come on give me some love will ya ? graduating college while being a drunken mess is one of the greatest accomplishments of my life ! College is hard ! a ton of work. a ton of pressure. While enrolled in higher education, i was working full-time. the amount of work often seemed overwhelming. if you did not attend college you could never appreciate the difficulty. I APPLAUD ANYONE WITH A DEGREE. an incredible achievement. BRAVO !!! 


  I made it ! how ? i have no fucking idea ! but i made it ! i am so very proud of this !!!!  to this very day, it fills me with a sense of contentment, of achievement, of joy that few things in my life can match.

I will never forget handing in my last exam. I laid it on the professor's desk and i floated. I WAS DONE ! THIS IS OVER ! ALL THESE YEARS AND I MADE IT ! GONNA GRADUATE ! never have i been so proud. i was floating. i was walking on air from campus to parking lot, to my car ! 

 GLORIOUS !!!!!!!

Memories - some ugly - some spectacular - never a dull moment !!  


 Not a lot of alums in attendance. nevertheless(come on, give it to me), it was such a great evening. we came out on the other side( in a spiritual sense of course). we came into the light. victory is ours ! if i sound as if i am exaggerating, i assure you i am not. A journey 26 years in the making. the spiritual journey of my life. i cannot help but smile. a complete total success. 
 God loves me. He made this night possible. how beautiful life can be. how blessed am i ? A journey from hell to heaven.

 Met some very sweet people, knowing none of them previously. at our dinner table across from me was a man named Rich, who for one night became my best friend ! we talked all night about PUNK ROCK !!! a great conversation, right in my wheelhouse ! 
 as for me, what made this night extra-special, was being there sober. i love being sober more than anything in my life(18+ years now). to attend an event such as this sober, i guarantee, no one had a better time than i. 


 At the risk of sounding redundant(come on, you gotta give me this one), to experience an evening such as this sober, is simply, the greatest thing. the greatest gift of my life. this allows me to appreciate how special nights such as this reunion truly are. not to be taken for granted. nothing flippant here. 
 There was a light on us this night. the light is the grace of God through His beloved son Jesus Christ ! for without, this night would never have happened. GLORIOUS !! it felt like Heaven. i was floating again. i will never forget this night. just about the greatest and most beautiful night of my life ! this was my graduation. 26 years later ! 


 From gut-wrenching guilt to glory. 26 years. God is truly awesome and Jesus is a rockstar ! this was no coincidence, this was by design. i needed to heal, free my heart so i may go forward into a more fulfilling life. 



                                                                        FW ROMAN

VERSE; - Luke 15:24 - "for this my son was dead and is alive again. he was lost and is found. and they began to be merry". 

 Yes, me, The Prodigal Son.


a classic from 1989. Sebastian kills this one ! so very beautiful.  


Skid Row - I Remember You (Official Video)

  a classic from 1989 ! this goes out to all graduates from Elmhurst College, how i love that school ! 1989, the year of my graduation from higher education ! Sebastian Bach, what a voice ! so very underrated ! song about remembering our pasts. helps me remember who i am, keeps me humble. and so very grateful ! THIS SONG IS A KILLER, A SMASH !!!!